Friday, September 25, 2009

Can you say "There's a firefighter in my car!"?

(Alex is wearing his new firefighter raincoat for the first time.)
Alex (excitedly): I'm a firefighter! I’m a firefighter!!

Alex (running around the house): Firefighter! Firefighter! Firefighter! Firefighter! I ride on a fire truck!

(Daddy is putting Alex in his car seat.)
Alex: I'm in the car. Can you say “There's a firefighter in my car!"?

Alex (to Claire, in a scolding tone): Claire! Claire Sofia.

Daddy: Alex, what's your middle name?
Alex: Um, no thank you. I’m not gonna talk about it any more.

(Alex and Daddy are playing with Dora cards.)
Alex: I like playing cards with you, Daddy.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I like playing cards with you.
Daddy: Aw, thank you! I like playing cards with you too.
Alex: What?
Daddy: I like playing cards with you.
Alex: No thank you.

Mommy (to Daddy): Oh, it’s bath night, isn't it?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: For me.
Mommy: For both of you.
Alex: For both of me.

(dinner time)

Alex: What's that? Is that butter?
Mommy: That’s butter.
Alex: We don't have bread for the butter?

Alex: I need some more bread.
Daddy: I need some more million dollars.
Alex (pretending to hand over a million dollars): Here’s million dollars.
Daddy (pretending to hand over bread): Here’s more bread.
Alex: Thank you.
Alex: Um, this not some real bread.

Alex: I want a million dollars, Daddy.
Daddy (pretending to hand over a million dollars): Okay, here you go.
Alex: Thank you.
(Alex eats the million dollars.)
Alex: I ate it!

(Alex drops his straw.)
Alex: I dropped my pencil.

Alex: Can you say “Do you need some more, Alex?”
Daddy: Do you need some more, Alex?
Alex: Um, no thank you. Because I need to get down.

(Alex is looking at pictures on the calendar and refrigerator.)

Alex: That's at the pumpkin patch, and that's my birthday. And this is a new thing, and Claire’s jumping, in the Jumperoo, and Alex (mumble).

Alex: And he's eating now, and he's playing with Mommy, and, I think that's all.

Alex: Oh, we have a picture of Alex with Isabelle and Angelina and Wyatt. I think that’s Alex.
Daddy: I think so too.
Alex: And he has the dog shirt and I think that’s all.

Alex: Oh we have that picture, and I made my family. Oh…. Look at that one.

Alex: I turned the monitor on. Is it loud?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s loud.
Alex: That’s Claire’s room. My room is the other way.

Alex: I need a bath.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I'm really dirty!

Alex: I need my clothes off so my clothes don't get wet!

Alex: You put my shirt on: I don't how.
Daddy: You don't how?
Alex: Yeah. I put my pants on ‘cause I know how to put my pants on.

(playing house)
The Girl (to The Mommy): (extended gibberish) forty-six and number nine. That’s what I want.

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