Monday, September 7, 2009

Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep little Daddy

(In the playroom, Alex begins singing.)
Alex (singing): Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep little Daddy
Alex (singing): Claire loves you, Daddy – Mommy too
Alex (singing): Claire loves you so much
Alex (singing): Grandma loves you, aunts and uncles
Alex (singing): Ellly and Bobo, Nana and Pop, Grandma and Grandpa, Curious George, and Twinkle Twinkle lullaby
Alex: It’s time for nap time, Daddy, I singed!

(in the car, on the way home from Nana and Pop’s)
Alex: We went to Nana and Pop’s, and Pop looked at pictures, and then he was done, and then he sat on the sofa and took his shoes off. I wanna go back to Nana's house.

(dinner time)
Daddy: Alex, tell Mommy what happened outside.
Alex: When I was on the stepping stones, and running in the street, and in the driveway, I cried.
Mommy: What happened?
Alex: And I wanted to go in the garage door, not the other garage door, and the garage door was closed, and I was crying, and then Daddy came out the other door, not the garage door, the front door, and I said... uh...
(Alex gets distracted.)
Daddy: Alex, what happened after Daddy came out?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: What happened when Daddy came outside?
Alex: Um, the ball rolled down the driveway and on the street and in the neighbor's yard, and it didn't fall in the hole, and we almost lost it.

Daddy (singing): If I can make it there, I’ll make it --
Alex: Anywhere!

Mommy (singing): Bop bop bop bop, banana
Alex (singing) Bop bop bop bop, Nana
Alex (singing): Bop bop bop bop, Daddy
Alex (singing): Bop bop bop bop, Grandma
Alex (singing): Bop bop bop bop, baby Claire, Grandma, Grandma Grandma Grandpa, Nana, Pop, Grommie!

Alex: Maria’s up in the tree. And she's looking for birds to be there. And see birds and see cars and see (mumble).

Alex (singing): Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria

Alex: Bo! Bo! Go see what that is.

(Looking out Alex’s window, Alex and Daddy see the neighbor drive away.)
Alex: The neighbor’s in his car going to the grocery store.
Daddy: He’s going to the grocery store?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I guess he wants something to eat. So he's going to the grocery store to get some food.
Alex (irritated): I just said it!

Alex: I cleaned up.
Daddy: Yes you did.
Alex: I cleaned my room.
Daddy: It looks nice. It feels good to have it all clean, doesn't it?
Alex: I'm gonna get my vacuum cleaner.

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