Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You better eat your zucchini, Daddy.


Daddy: Hey, Alex. What happened to the power?
Alex: The power went out.
Daddy: And what is that -- what happens when the power goes out?
Alex: The… the lights turn off.
Daddy: What else turns off?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: What about the air conditioning?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: The refrigerator?
Alex: Mm-hm.
Daddy: What about Claire? Does Claire turn off?
Alex: No.
Claire: I clean up those plates.
Daddy: You guys are gonna clean up the plates.
Claire: Uh clean up ploi-- plates!
Mommy: You're gonna clear the table. That's what it's called.
Daddy: Yeah. Is that your job? Your job too, Alex?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Good for you.
Alex: You better eat your zucchini, Daddy.
Daddy: It's lasagna.
Alex: You better eat your some lasagna.
Daddy: Okay, I will.
Alex: You -- you haven't eat it. It's very yummy.
Daddy: I'll eat it, it is very yummy. Thank you.
Claire: Eat you ayah. Dere eat it, Daddy.
Daddy: My lasagna.
Claire: Eat it Daddy!
(Daddy takes a bite.)
Claire: Yay. Wow! You ate all yours! Yummy, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah, yummy.
Claire: Yeah.


Claire: Let's do a dinner game.

Alex (singing): He's so big, he lives in my house, every day, he's so cute!
Daddy: Who are you talking about?
Alex: You!

Claire: Now you do that again, to close your eyes.
(Daddy closes his eyes.)
Daddy: You like that?
Claire: Yeah. Uh do that again. Please, Daddy? Please.

(After dinner, Claire is wiping the spaghetti off of her chair, as Daddy requested.)
Claire: I'm wiping my chair.
Daddy: Good! You're doing a good job, Claire!
Claire: I'm big doing that.
Daddy: Yeah.
(Claire wipes her chair for a little bit longer.)
Claire: I'm tired doing that, I'm tired.
Daddy: Okay.

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