Thursday, September 9, 2010

I, I tired of wait.

Alex: I like the things I can do.
Daddy: Oh? Good. What can you do?
Alex: I can color, and paint, and if I don't color right I get timeout… and I don't get out, ‘cause… they don't do that.

Claire: I looking at that tree.


Claire: I yock sour cream! I yock it!

Alex (out of the blue): I think I wanna be for Halloween as a banana.

(Daddy puts bread in the taoster.)
Claire: Uh one two three.
Daddy: Okay, you ready?
Claire and Daddy (together): One, two, three, four, pop!
Claire: It's not popping!
Daddy: It's not popping!
Claire: We wait, pop.
Daddy: Okay, we'll wait.
Claire: I, I tired of wait.

Alex's bread: Hi. Hi. Hi.
Claire: I don't have bread. I don't have bread, Ah-yah.
Alex: Your finger can say hi.

Alex: Can we play Deep Pillows?
Daddy: What do you want to play?
Alex: I wanna play River.

Alex: Can we see a movie, Mommy? Just one movie. Because it's late.

(Alex is in bed, shouting loud enough to be heard downstairs.)
Alex: I have something to cut!
Alex: I have something to cut!
Mommy: What?
Alex: I have something to cut!
Daddy (to Mommy): He has something to cut.
Alex: Can you say "okay"?
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Can you, can you come cut it?
Mommy: Okay.

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