Thursday, September 16, 2010

One… two… three! Okay? I show you how.

(Everyone plays in the backyard.)

Alex: I heard something during nap.

Claire: I swing!

Alex: The trees are blowing our hair.

Claire: Ah-yah getting uh spiderwebs.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What is Claire doing?
Claire: Uh… I outside.
Alex: Mommy’s getting the spiderwebs!

Claire (getting into the toy car): I getting in the car.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: I going get some groceries.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Stay there.

Alex: A is for Alex!
Alex: Q is for Q. Q-per.
Alex: O is for O.
Alex: P is for P.
Alex: C is for Claire.
Alex: X is for something else.
Claire: Mommy!
Alex: No.

Claire (crawling around on the kitchen floor): I'm a baby.

(Claire gets ready to wash hands for dinner.)
Claire: I be a baby after dinner.


(Claire notices the new microwave, which has been in place for a few days already.)
Claire: Oh! It -- Dat a new oven! Dat a microwave!
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Dat a new microwave! Dat a new one, Mommy!
Mommy: Yeah.
Claire: Dat a new one!
Claire: Wow. New one…

Daddy (sighing to himself): Oh boy.
Alex: Oh boy's not a nice word.
Daddy: Oh boy's not a nice word?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I'm sorry.
Alex: Why is it not?
Daddy: I -- well you told me, why isn't it?
Alex: Because I… just.. don't know. You tell me. You tell me why "oh man" is not nice.
Daddy: Um… some things just aren't nice. And "oh man" is not a nice thing to say. What should you say instead?
Alex: Unfortunate!
Daddy: That’s right. "How unfortunate!"
Alex: How unfortunate!

Claire: Dat 'matos.
Daddy: 'Matos? Oh, yeah.
Claire: Out of garden.
(Claire starts counting the tomatoes.)
Alex (interrupting): There're ten, Claire.
Claire (counting again): One… two… ten… eleven… twelve!
Alex: I'll say how to count, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven...
Claire (joining in): Seven… eight...
Alex: Wait for me, okay?
Claire (continuing over him): Nine… ten!
Alex: Wait, Claire, I'll count the right way first, and after I count, you can go after me, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Alex: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. See? That's the way.
Claire: One… two… three! Okay? I show you how.
Alex: No I already know how.

Claire: I want more water, Daddy. Yes please. May I please have more water please?

Mommy: Who wants more plum?
Alex: Me!
Claire: I want more plum please.
Daddy: Okay, you can have some more plum.
Claire: May I please have more plum please.

(Claire notices her reflection in the window.)
Claire: I see me inside, Daddy. I see inside me talking, to you.
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: I see Claire! I see Alex!
(Claire starts making faces, laughing, and doing silly dances.)
(Alex joins in.)

Claire: One… two… three… four!
Claire: Five… six… seven… eight!
Claire: Eleven… twelve… thirteen… eleventeen… eleventeen!
Daddy: What are you counting, Claire?
Claire: Carrots.
Mommy: She's telling me how many carrots she had at dinner.

Alex (sitting in Daddy's lap): You look like a chair.

(Claire sits down hard in Mommy's lap, and Mommy grunts in pain.)
Claire: I'm sorry Mommy, it okay. I'm sorry it okay.

(Alex is in bed, but shouts downstairs.)
Alex: Am I gonna wake up at ten?
Daddy: Seven!
Alex: Okay.
Alex: Did you say five?
Daddy: Seven!
Alex: Okay.
Alex: I didn't know what you were saying.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Yeah? Did you say yeah?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay.

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