Tuesday, April 27, 2010

That would be fun. Everyone would want a job like that.

(Alex is talking about playing trains.)
Alex: Can they have different jobs today?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Like going to the docks to pick up the children?
Daddy: Yeah, that would be different.
Alex: And taking hay to the farm?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That would be fun. Everyone would want a job like that.

(On TV, a girl is painting.)
Claire: Paint!
Daddy: Yeah. Claire paints at school, doesn’t she?
(Claire holds out her hand.)
Claire: Uh paint with fingers.

(Mommy is trying to take Claire up for nap, but Claire collapses on the stairs, crying.)
Claire (upset): Uh make dinner! Uh make dinner!

Alex: Daddy!
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: I’m makin’ dinner, you have to come in here, I’m still makin' dinner.
Alex: Do you wanna eat dinner?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: But, you have to come in here first.

Alex: My trains are cute, Mommy. Some are green and some are red, and some are… are… more red (this one), and some are green (this one).

(Alex and Claire are playing Kitchen, quietly. All of a sudden Alex starts shouting.)
Alex (shouting): The cookies are burning! The cookies are burning, Claire! The cookies are burning!
Claire (shouting): Cookies! Burning!

(Daddy walks downstairs to find Claire and Alex playing trains.)
Claire: Daddy! Uh playing trains!

Alex: Claire? Do you know where my car is?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Where?
Claire: Right there!
(Claire runs into the other room, and Alex follows.)
Alex: Where?
(Claire looks around and sees Alex’s car.)
Claire (pointing): There!
Alex: Oh, you found it!

(Claire takes her baby out of the small chair, puts the baby on the floor, and sits in the chair herself.)
Claire: My chair.
Claire: My chair.
Claire: My chair, baby, my chair.
Claire: My chair, baby.
Claire: My chair, baby.
Claire: Ah my chair.
(Claire gets up and puts the baby in the chair.)
Claire: Uh sit there.
Claire: My chair, baby, my chair, baby, uh sit there, baby.
(Claire sits in the chair with the baby.)
Claire: Me. Sit there, baby, sit there.
Claire: Uh there.

Alex: Why are you takin’ a picture?
Mommy: I wanna get a picture of my cute kids.
Alex: Uh, at the little table tryin’ to eat?
Mommy: Yes.
Alex: Tryin’ to get set up?
Mommy: Yeah.

(Claire drops some food.)
Claire: Grommie! Grommie, eat it! Grommie!

(Daddy mentions the grocery store.)
Alex: And Ukrop’s is changing a different store that we can get.
Daddy: Ukrop’s is changing a different store?
Alex: Yeah. Mommy told me that.

(A few minutes ago, a solicitor came to the front door. Now, Alex and Daddy are playing House.)
Alex (indicating Cookie Monster): Can he be the stranger to knock on our door?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Just like we had on our door?
Daddy: Yeah.
(Cookie Monster knocks on the door.)
Alex: Woof woof woof woof!
Alex (to Daddy): That’s what dogs do.

(Claire is going to bed.)
Claire (to Daddy): Uh hug and kiss.

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