Sunday, April 4, 2010

It’s called a ‘stake. If you make a ‘stake it’s called a ‘stake.

(playing in the back yard)

Alex: Grommie!
Daddy: What's he doing?
Alex: He's eating up her garden!

(Claire picks up the beach ball.)
Claire: Uh throw it at Daddy.
(Claire tries to throw it at Daddy.)

Alex: I was gonna poop a little bit, so I could watch in a minute.
Daddy: You can poop a little bit.
Alex: Yeah that's why I was tryin' to hide.

(Daddy is singing karaoke.)
Alex: I want the one with the boy now.
Daddy: You really like the one with the boy, don't you?
Alex: And then Love Shack after that one.

Claire: Mommy, Gamma house in a minute, hungry.

Alex: … that's what you do if you have water on your leg, or your pants.
Daddy: What do you do?
Alex: You can get your shoe to wipe it off.

(In the car, Alex is telling Daddy about a bee that got into the house.)
Daddy: How did the bee get in the house?
Alex: Because Mommy left the door open. She made a ‘stake.
Daddy: She made a ‘stake?
Alex: Yeah. It’s called a ‘stake. If you make a ‘stake it’s called a ‘stake.

Daddy: Grandma and Grandpa really like to see you.
Alex: The bird likes to see me too. He talks to me.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah. Grandpa tell me what he says.

(Claire plays with the toy phone.)

Claire: Minute, phone.

Claire: Hello, Mommy.

Claire: Hello, Mommy.

Claire: Hello, Pop.

Claire: Hello, Nana.

Claire: Hello, Ginna.

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