Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So can you say you’re prending you’re a dentist and you can’t fly?

(When Alex comes downstairs in the morning, he immediately rushes to the back door and looks out.)
Alex: We still have our new playground, Daddy!

(dinner time)

Alex: I don’t want the pasta to go all the way in the blueberries.

Alex: Can I have some milk with a straw in it?
Daddy: I’m not gonna get you a straw, but I can get you some milk.
Alex: But I never had a straw before
Daddy: I’m not getting you a straw.
Alex (whining): May I please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?
Daddy: Alex, please stop whining.

Alex: Hey – on the way to the doctor, Mommy got a special treat!
Daddy: She did?
Alex: It was Elmo in the car!

Alex: We watched a lot of Elmo, and when we got to the doctor, we turned it off. It was a lot. And when we got there, it was a man, cutting the grass.

Alex: I got – I got my medicine, Daddy! And it was yummy.

Alex: Hey Daddy? I like the medicine.
Daddy: Oh good.
Alex: Thank you.

(Alex sees his clothes that Mommy has laid out for tomorrow.)
Alex (excitedly): Daddy! Daddy! Next time, I'm gonna wear a turtle shirt!

(Alex puts on his pull-up for bed time, all by himself.)
Alex: No more diapers anymore. Now I wear underwear!
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: And I got a turtle shirt!
Daddy: That’s right!

(Alex begins to put on his PJs.)
Alex: What are these new PJs – [sharp intake of breath] – Fish!! PJs!!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I got fish PJs, yay!!

(Alex is putting on his Cars slippers.)
Alex: I wanna be Stickers, and I will drive into you. And crash.

(Daddy gives Alex a kiss at bed time. Daddy is unshaven.)
Alex: You have those scratches on your face.
Daddy: Oh I'm sorry, did I scratch you?
Alex: No you bumped it. Those black dots are the scratches.
Daddy: Oh okay, I'm sorry.
Alex: You have to get those off next time.

(Mommy talks to Alex in bed.)

Alex: Can – can we talk about a little bit of plants? Please?

(Mommy does the plant game with Alex. Alex laughs.)
Alex: I want again.
Mommy: Okay.
(Mommy does the plant game with Alex. Alex laughs.)
Alex: I want again.
Mommy: Okay.
(Mommy does the plant game with Alex. Alex laughs.)

Alex: And then where does the water go?
Mommy: Um… it goes into the plant’s (inaudible).
Alex: Mouth?
Mommy: Well, no. It goes like all through the plant’s body. The leaves and the stem. And it makes (inaudible). And when there’s no water in the leaves, the leaves shrivel up. And then when you put water in them, the leaves get all perky again.
Alex: Why?
Mommy: Um……I don’t know.

Alex: So can you say you’re prending you’re a dentist and you can’t fly?
Mommy: I’m a dentist and I can’t fly?
Alex: Yeah – no, the duck is the dentist.

Mommy: Okay, listen, I’m gonna tell you about tomorrow. Um, Claire has school. But Alex doesn’t.
Alex: Oh, do I don’t have school!
Mommy: Oh, you can’t go to school tomorrow because of your rash.
Alex: Oh. Because I went to the doctor?
(Mommy explains.)
Alex: And I got medicine!
Mommy: And you got medicine.
Alex: And it was so yummy!
Mommy: Well you have to take it again tomorrow morning, so you have to remind us to give it to you, okay?
Alex: Now?

(Mommy talks about tomorrow’s agenda.)
Mommy: And then we’ll eat lunch, and go get Claire, okay?
Alex: But – I don’t want Claire to be at school next time too, and with me, okay?
Mommy: Well she’ll be at school in the morning. And youll be with me. ‘Kay?
Alex: ‘Kay in the morning.

Alex: And next time can you gi – can you give me a special treat?
Mommy: No.
Alex: I love – I love some special treat that Abby was playing in here. She told you – she told Pablo that. Hey Abby told Pablo that.

Mommy: I love you.
Alex: I love you too uhhhhhhh.

(Alex mumbles his night time litany.)
Alex: Did you hear me Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Oh.

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