Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Busch Gardens over?

Alex: Yesterday when Claire was sick, she coughed REALLY, HARD.

(Riding in the car to Busch Gardens, Claire covers her face with Juju.)
Claire: Daddy! Where are you?

(The following remarks were made throughout the day at Busch Gardens.)

Alex: I wanna go see the other Sesame Street friends.

Alex: I wanna give Elmo a hug.

Alex: I gave Elmo a hug!

Claire: Bye-bye Elmo!

(While riding on the train, Alex sees the roller coaster go by.)
Alex: Wow!

Alex: And Bert tried to take your soda.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah Bert had your drink. That's someone else’s drink!

(Claire just rode her first amusement park ride.)
Claire: Uh rode a dragon!

Claire: Dinosaur!

(Claire just rode on the carousel.)
Claire: Uh ride horse!

Alex: I don't wanna go home, I wanna go on another ride.

Alex: Is Busch Gardens over?

Daddy: Hey Alex, did you have fun?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Claire, did you have fun?
Claire (smiling): No.
Alex: I gave – I be friends, because I gave Elmo a hug.
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: And I gave Ernie a hug and I gave Bert a hug.

(washing hands for dinner)

Alex: Hey Daddy? At Busch Gardens, that dog walked like a person!

Alex: Mommy, that dog walked like a person at Busch Gardens.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Claire, what did you do today?
Claire: Uh bug on table!
Daddy: Is there a bug on the table? Get off, bug!
Daddy: Alex, what did you do today?
Alex: Um… give Elmo a hug.
Daddy: Yeah? That’s right.
Alex: Give Sesame Street, friends, a hug.

Daddy: Let's see, what else did you do today?
Alex: I gave Big Bird hugs... Ernie hugs... Bert hugs... and Cookie Monster hugs.

Alex: But I didn't give Grover hugs, or Zoe hugs, or Abby hugs.
Daddy: Well maybe next time we can give them some hugs, okay?
Alex: Okay.

(Claire has finished her dinner and left the table.)
Claire: Uh go in circle!
Mommy: You're gonna go in a circle? Okay.
(Claire runs around in a circle.)
Claire: Fast!
Mommy: That was fast!
Claire: Uh run.
Mommy: You're gonna run in a circle?
Claire: Run fast.
(Claire runs off.)
Claire: Fast!

Claire: One two, one, two.
Mommy: Okay.
Claire: Uh jump.
Mommy: Okay.

Daddy: You ready to get down?
Alex: Um, yeah. But first I have to eat my strawberries. Strawberries don't go in trash.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: Uh running. Uh running, uh run.
Mommy: Ok.
(Claire runs, then stops.)
Claire: Uh running. Uh running.
Mommy: You're running.

Claire: Ru -- runner. Uh fast runner.
Mommy: You're a very fast runner.
(Claire runs around some more.)
Claire: Fast runner.
Mommy: Fast runner.
Claire: Uh ran at you. Uh run, Mommy.
(Claire runs to Mommy.)

(Now Alex and Claire are both running around downstairs. They accidentally crash into each other hard, knocking Claire down.)
Alex: Sorry, Claire.
Claire: Sorry, Ay-yah. Run into you.

Alex: Hey, Mommy? Say "whoa, Alex" when I run.
Mommy: Okay.
(Alex runs.)
Mommy: Whoa, Alex!

Claire: Uh whoa Claire.
Mommy: Okay, I'll say "Whoa Claire."
Claire (running): Whoa Claire!
Mommy: Whoa Claire!

(Alex is sitting on the potty.)
Alex: Daddy, the -- the poop may come out and [in a singsong voice] I may get a piece of chocolate!

Alex: I'm gonna poop!
Alex: I'm really big, I can poop!
Mommy: Yeah!
Alex: It’s almost out.
Mommy: I guess I better go get some chocolate.
Alex: Yum.

Alex: Grommie’s tryin’ to lick me.
Daddy: He is, ‘cause he loves you so much.
(Grommie very persistently tries to lick Alex’s face.)
Alex: That’s enough, Grommie.

(bed time)
Mommy: What do you wanna do after nap?
Alex: Can we go back to Busch Gardens?

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