Wednesday, May 26, 2010

But you were scared because there's a bear?

Alex: And can we talk about my dream?
Mommy: One last time, okay?

(Mommy is putting Alex down for nap, and they are discussing bad dreams. Mommy tells Alex about a dream she had in which she couldn’t find Daddy.)
Mommy: And I was scared.
Alex: But you were scared because there's a bear?
Mommy: No, there was no bear.
Alex: There's a lion?
Mommy: No, there was no lion. I was scared because I lost Daddy.
Alex: But you could hear Daddy?
Mommy: No, I couldn't hear Daddy.
Alex: Did you hear a noise?
Mommy: No.
Alex: Any noise?
Mommy: No, but I finally found him.
Alex: Was he (mumble) -- behind a fence?
Mommy: He was in a building. But then I saw him --
Alex: Was he in the forest in a building?
Mommy: Yeah, he was in a building.
Alex: He was in a restaurant?

Alex (excited about a UPS delivery): I got a new thing, that the brown truck brought!

(Claire and Alex are playing trains.)

Claire (pretending not to see Rosie): Uh Rosie?
Daddy: Uh Rosie?
Claire: Right there!

Claire: Uh train, uh fast, my train, go fast!

Claire: Uh train go fast!

Alex: They raced really fast, until they got to the mighty Spencer!
Alex (to Daddy): I don't have Spencer yet.
Daddy: No.
Alex: They got to James and Rosie!
Claire: Rosie right there!

Alex: Look Daddy! They can't drive until Rocky got there.
Daddy: Yeah!

(Claire's train stops on top of the arch.)
Claire: Up on the mountain! Mommy -- Daddy. Up on the mountain!
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: Drive!
(Claire moves her train.)

Claire: Uh train to go uh first!

Claire (running to the window): Airplane's coming.
Alex (running to the window): Airplane! Where is it?
Claire: Where is it?

Alex: Up up, until they reach the top.
Claire: Up up.
Alex: Until they reach the top Claire, say that.
Claire: Reach top!
Alex: Right!

Alex: Hey Claire, move outta my way!

Claire (looking out the window): Coming!
Alex: What is coming?
Claire: Airplane coming. Airplane coming.
Alex: It's a lawwwwn, mowwww, wer!!

Alex: Can you get Rosie outta the way, Claire, so they can go?

Alex: So they raced away.

Alex: Watch this jump, Daddy!
Alex: Are you watching?
Daddy: Yeah.
(Alex jumps.)
Alex: Wasn't that big?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Watch jump.
Claire: Watch jump, Daddy.
(Claire jumps.)
Claire: Watch jump, Mommy -- uh Daddy.
(Claire jumps.)
Claire: Watch jump, Muh -- Daddy.
(Claire jumps.)

(Alex looks in the toy refrigerator.)
Alex: We don't have any cheese!

(Alex and Claire are playing with their new shopping carts.)
Daddy: Do you like your new toys?
Alex: Yeah.
Claire: Like new toy.
Daddy: Where'd you get that new toy?
(Claire fusses.)
Alex: From the brown truck!
Alex (more quietly): From Mommy.

(Alex is playing with Ernie and Bert.)
Alex: Ernie doesn't have any eyebrows.
Alex: Ernie doesn't have any eyebrows?
Daddy: No he doesn't.
Daddy: Does Bert have any eyebrows?
Alex: Yes he does he has one eyebrow.

Alex (to his bear): You're a good boy.
Mommy: You're a good boy too, Alex.
Alex: Yes I am!
Alex: And I'm Chucklehead. That's what Daddy calls me.

(bath time)
Alex: What's that?
Daddy: This is your shampoo.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Poo is yucky. Poo starts with yucky.

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