Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tell me which ones you do get.

Alex: Playing tag, I hope Jaap won't be able to catch me. Because I have new shoes, that are faster than my old shoes.

Claire: When my teachers see my new shoes, they're gonna be happy, 'cause I have new shoes!

Alex: I can ran as fast as I can, because I have these special shoes. You're not gonna beat me!
(Alex says this last sentence to no one in particular, and with a clenched fist.)

Alex: Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I have a bunch of jokes to tell you!

Alex: Why did the head roll down the hill?
Daddy: I don't know, why did the head roll down the hill?
Alex: Because the nose was chasing him!

Alex: Why did red say something to yellow?
Daddy: I don't know, why did red say something to yellow?
Alex: Because yellow said -- well -- I don't remember.

Claire: Why did the cat knock on the tree?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he took the, um, he took the branch and he, then he flew up in the air!

Alex: Why did the polka dots roll down the hill?
Mommy: I don't know.
Alex: Because there was a door at the bottom!
Mommy: I don't get it.
Alex: Tell me which ones you do get.

Claire; Why did the cow ran into a bag?
Mommy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he -- ate sunbutter and jelly up in the air!

Alex: Hey, here's one. Why'd the horse jump, um, into the microwave?
Mommy: I don't know.
Alex: Because the sheep jumped into the head!

Claire: Hey, why did the cow jump into the air?
Daddy: I don't know, why?
Claire: Because he saw a doggie, like our doggie is called!

Claire: Why did the cow jump into the air?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he saw ice cream up in the air so he got it and ate it up!

Alex: Why did you put a person in the stove?
Mommy: Why did I put a person in the stove? I don't know.
Alex: Because there was a cookie on the face.

Claire: Why was the cow eating a toast up in the air, Daddy?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he, ran into a house with, a doggie in his hand!

Mommy (to Alex): Maybe you could tell Daddy some jokes.

Claire: Why did the dog stay in the house with the people?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because the people petted him on his head!

Claire: Why'd the cow eat sunbutter and jelly up in the air?
Alex: I don't know.
Claire: Because he ate more sunbutter and jelly to get up in the air!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I like that one. You should tell Daddy that one day.
Claire: Hey Daddy, why did the cow jump up in the air?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he ate sunbutter and jelly!
Daddy: Oh!
Claire: Hey Daddy, why did the cow jump up in the air?
Daddy: I don't know.
Claire: Because he ate more sunbutter and jelly!


Alex: Thank you for my rojo strawberries.

Alex: When are those bananas gonna turn 'marillo?

Alex: Broccoli doesn't take pretty good, but it makes you healthy.

Claire: Hey Mommy?
Mommy: Yes?
Claire: I like broccoli, and I'm gonna eat my broccoli so I'm gonna be healthy.

Claire: Can I have more broccoli?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: It's yummy. It's -- every day I eat broccoli, so I can be healthy.

Mommy: Who'd you play with at school?
Alex: Jaap. No, Redshirt again.
(Mommy laughs.)
Mommy: Richard.
Alex: Redshirt.
Mommy (enunciating clearly): Rich, ard.
Alex: Red, shirt.
Mommy: Rich.
Alex: Rich.
Mommy: Urd.
Alex: Shirt.

Daddy: Hey Alex. What color is Richard's shirt?
Claire: Red.
Alex: White. No it's white.

Mommy: So who'd you play with today, Alex?
Alex: Redshirt.

Claire: I'm all done. I ate all of my broccoli 'cause that's gonna make me healthy.

(Alex sounds out and writes his very first sentence!)
Alex: Alex has a cat.

(Claire writes her name, with Daddy's help.)
Claire: Hey Daddy, I'm gonna take this to school and show my teachers that I wrote my own name!

Alex: Daddy, tomorrow can we write my phone number? I'm really good at numbers!

Alex: I learned a lot at school today.

Alex: I'm too excited to draw letters, Daddy!

Claire: And you know what we could write? “Alex is a good writer.”
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: And he knows a lot of Spanish.

Alex (tucking his elbows by his sides): Look, I'm just a T-Rex, I can't even scratch my chin!

Claire: And we could write “Alex – our famil – one of our kids is a good writer!”

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