Monday, September 26, 2011

I like squishy waffles.

Claire: Daddy, one day when it's dark, we can go outside around a campfire, and sing songs around a campfire.
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire: I like squishy waffles.

Alex: I like Sunday when we don't have to be late.

(Claire and Alex are coloring.)
Alex: Got a surprise for you, Daddy.
Daddy: I wanna see the surprise.
Alex: You'll have to wait just a minute.
Daddy: All right, what's your surprise, let me see.
Alex: It's the garden, with Mommy, Claire and Alex! And the sun with flowers.
Daddy: Oh! Show me which one is Mommy!
Alex: Mommy… Alex… Claire… flowers… water going in… and the flower… and water going in it… and then, a sun!
Daddy: That's great, I love it! Can I take a picture of it?
Alex: Yeah and here are some clouds.
Daddy: Clouds too?
Alex: Yeah, and a rainbow.
Daddy: And a rainbow. Claire, what are you drawing now?
Claire: I'm drawing something, I --
Alex: Look, that looks like a plant!
Claire: Yeah, everybody -- um, Oakley's mommy's, gardening the plant, and Oakley's daddy's, gardening too.
Daddy: They're gardening?
Claire: No it's, they're, um, getting water out and… um… um…
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: That looks like a plant!
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Is that a plant?
Claire: Um it's that -- no, that… um, Oakley's mommy, Oakley's mommy.
Alex: No. Is that a plant.
Claire: Yeah that's a plant.
Alex: Yeah it looks like it.
Alex: Claire -- Mommy! Mommy, look, Claire drew a plant!
Mommy: Neat.
Alex: All by herself! She knew how to draw it!
Alex: Good job, Claire!
Claire: Thank you.
Alex: Claire, look! I drew a garden!
Claire: Oh.

Alex (to Daddy): Can you take a movie of me?
Daddy: Well, what are you gonna do?
Alex: And, and I'm gonna run away, and then, and then you say, "I'm in the movie, I'm in the (unintelligible)!", and then you be silly, okay?
Daddy: Wait -- what do you want me to do?
Alex: I want you to be silly when I'm gone.
Daddy: Okay, you're gonna run away, and then I'm gonna be silly, and then what happens?
Alex: And then we'll stop the movie and I'll watch it!
Daddy: Okay.

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