Saturday, September 10, 2011

I counted far away from one.

Alex: I counted all the way up to ninety-nine.
Daddy: That’s good. That’s really good.
Alex: I counted far away from one.

Alex: What comes after ninety-nine?
Daddy: One hundred.
Alex: One hundred. That’s how far I counted.
Alex: One hundred. Is that how far you could go?
Daddy: You could keep going.

Alex (out of the blue): Sorry I was so whiny this morning, Daddy.

(Alex and Claire are looking at ants.)
Claire: Red ants are mean!
Alex: They can bite you.
Claire: Yeah. But black ants are so nice. I think?

(Claire and Alex are playing with Matchbox cars.)
Alex: Oh, are we at the wrong place? I think we’re at the wrong place. I don’t see any ferris wheels. I don’t see any roller coasters. I don’t see any water slides.

Alex: Claire, now can we pretend this is just not a talking car?
Claire: Yeah.

(Alex and Claire are playing.)

Alex: Claire, weren’t you gonna go get lost? Can you go get lost this minute?

Alex: Take a friend, okay? And, when you get lost, tell it to the friend, okay?
Claire: ‘Kay.

(Claire wanders into another room with Mallory. She sits down quietly for a long time, without saying anything.)
Alex (finally tired of waiting): Hmm. Claire must be lost. Come on guys, wake up!

Alex: Are the cookies ready?
Mommy: Mm-hm.
Alex: All right!
Claire: Yay, yay!
(Alex and Claire run into the kitchen.)
Alex: Cookies!
Claire: Cookies! Cookies!

(Alex and Claire are swinging.)
Alex: I’m goin’ high up to the clouds!
Claire: Me too!

(Claire and Alex are watching Caillou.)

Claire: One day can we make a rocket ship? And we make – make a rocket ship? And paint it?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Can we make a rocket ship?
Daddy: Yeah, we can do that.

Claire: Can we have cereal for breakfast?
Mommy: Yeah.
Claire: Can we have cereal for breakfast, Mommy?
Mommy: Yes, you can have cereal for breakfast.

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