Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I keep my eyes closed until my eyes are still closed and I'm asleep with my eyes closed but my eyes are already closed.

(Daddy is helping Claire get dressed.)
Claire: Daddy, you need to put my underwear on first, then you put my pants on over my underwear.

(Alex and Claire are watching Busytown Mysteries for the first time in months.)
Alex: It's, uh, it's… nevermind, just watch the show.
(Alex laughs at his own joke.)

(Alex and Claire are playing babies.)
Claire (to Alex): Okay, but -- I'm having a birthday party here.
Alex: You always have birthday parties when we play babies.

(Alex has trouble pooping.)
Daddy: We can try again later.
Alex: How 'bout after we sleep.
Daddy: Yeah, we can try again in the morning.
Alex: I mean "tomorrow"; Claire says "after we sleep".
(Daddy laughs.)
Alex: She's silly.

Alex: I like football. I like falling down. I like pretend falling down.
Daddy: And that's why you like football?
Alex: Yeah. Actually I like pretending to fall down.

Alex: I just love writing my name.

Alex: The reason why I like my name is because it has a "A" in it.

Daddy: Sometimes you have Mr. Blanton in your class?
Alex: Yeah. It's because we have so many kids and none of them are listening except for me.
Alex: I think Miss Worthington likes having me in her class.

Alex: Well sometimes Jaap doesn't listen, but I still like him.

Alex: I wish all my friends listened. I don't like hearing her repeat herself. She has to repeat herself a lot.

(Bed time. Alex explains how he goes to sleep.)
Alex: I keep my eyes closed until my eyes are still closed and I'm asleep with my eyes closed but my eyes are already closed.

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