Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just you and me, Daddy. It's gonna take a long time to build a sports stadium.

(Alex wakes Daddy up.)

Alex: I don't have Rollie, Lofty, and Dizzy. I only have Scoop, Muck, Harvey, and Big Truck. Maybe I'll call him… Packer.

Alex: Come on and wake up, Daddy. You'll have fun.

Alex: Just you and me, Daddy. It's gonna take a long time to build a sports stadium.

(Claire is playing with her toy binoculars.)
Claire: I saw a elephant! It's eating grass and drinking water. Come look!
(Mommy turns her head and looks.)
Mommy: Oh neat!
Claire: No, it's in the train room.

Claire: I couldn't find any animals, just a elephant.
Mommy: Oh.
Claire: I got a jaguar!
Mommy: Oh, a jaguar?
Claire: It's right there.
Mommy: Oh.

Daddy: What do we have to do to build a sports stadium?

Alex: There's a lot of digging, a lot of filling, a lot of, um, a lot of hammering, a lot of drilling, and a lot of… lifting.

Claire: Daddy, next time? You can put me back to bed and then wake me up. Again.
Daddy: Again? Oh I'd like that!

(Claire and Alex are coloring.)

Alex: That looks like a pretty picture, Claire.
Claire: Yeah I'm making it so pretty. So it's gonna be a big tall building. With lots of windows in it.

Claire: Daddy, look at mine!
Daddy: I love it, it's pretty!
Claire: It has lots of colors, it's a so big tall building, with lots of windows!

Claire (pulling out the new crayons from Nana): We got some of these other colors.
Daddy: Oh, those'll be fun!
Claire: Yeah. I colored yesterday with Mommy. On this table.
Daddy: Neat!

Alex: I made a tree, and some pretty colors, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh, look at that!
Alex: I mixed green, and pink together.
Daddy: I love it, that's so pretty.

Claire (offering Alex a crayon): Here, Alex.
Alex: No thank you.
Claire: You want this one?
Alex: No, thank you.
Claire: Okay.

Alex: I made a tornado around a tree!

Alex: I got all my pictures drewed.

(Alex shows his pictures to Mommy.)
Alex: Here's one. A tornado around a tree.
Alex: Here's another one. A silly face.
Alex: And here's the next one.
Mommy: What's that one?
Alex: Lots of pretty colors in a tree.

Alex: Daddy, we have a whole city now. You know what that means?
Daddy: What?
Alex: That we're ready for my celebration.

Claire: Alex, why are you playing Legos again?
Alex: I'm just getting everything together so Mr. Bentley can see.

(Daddy tucks Alex in bed at naptime.)
Alex (sadly): Daddy, I want my trucks to talk when I grow up.
Daddy: I know.
Alex: 'Cause Bob's trucks talk.
Daddy: I know.

(Alex and Claire are sitting at the little table, painting. The third chair is occupied by one of Claire's baby dolls.)

Alex (looking at the baby doll): She's sleepy.
Claire: Yeah. Maybe after she paints, I can put her to bed.
The baby: I want Claire to put me to bed!
Claire: Okay. I can put you to bed, baby.
(Claire takes her baby and gently puts it on the sofa.)
Claire: I put my baby to bed.

Claire: Daddy! I made dark gray!
Daddy: Oh! It's so pretty!
Alex: Daddy, did you know I made a bridge, with big, with big… with big... With a big storm cloud?
Daddy: Wow!
Alex: And big, big, big, big drops! Giant drops!

(Alex leaves a carrot, and a cup of water, in the yard for the bunny.)
Alex: And I made a scarecrow, so he can eat his dinner quick. And run away.

Alex: I'm all done with my hard work today.

Alex: Why do people pretend wear nighttime hats?
Daddy: Why do people pretend to wear nighttime hats?
Alex: No, why on shows do people wear nighttime hats?

Alex: Mommy, I wanna be a scientist and a builder and a daddy when I grow up.

Claire: Can I be a scientist and a Mommy and a builder?

Claire: After Twinkle Twinkle I'm gonna give Mommy a hug and a kiss and you can sing with me, Daddy.

Claire: Daddy, you're gonna put me to bed.
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire: Daddy, after we sleep, is it gonna be tomorrow?

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