Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yeah and roosters are very loud: “Oh, rooster!”

Daddy: Claire, if you had $300, what would you buy?
Claire: It’s ups and downs.

Claire: Daddy, where’s Song Baby? Song Baby, where are you? Where’s Song Baby, Daddy? Makes songs. Is she in here? No, where’s, uh song. Uh, other baby makes song. Where other Song Baby, makes songs, Daddy? Where other baby?

(During nap, Claire is “singing” in her bed -- shouting in a loud monotone, really -- or perhaps a mixture of both.)

Claire (“singing”): Can you see me at the party…! When you eat cupcakes…!

Claire (“singing”): When you eat cupcakes at the party…! And there will be balloons in purple…! And black…! And orange, and green…! And red…! And orange…! And – ah – ah– ah – when you can’t see me…! Next time, Mommy and Daddy are (mumble), but Daddy at schoolwork…! But he doesn’t at his schoolwork, he is at his meeting…! But he is at his meeting today, and Mommy is at still home…!

Claire (spoken): Good job.


Claire: No, why do you, not want to eat your carrots?
Alex: ‘Cause it’s a rooster, you can’t eat roosters!
Claire: They eat – roosters eat chickens!
(Claire laughs.)
Alex: Turkeys are very loud, Claire, they go “Bock bock bock bock bock bock! Bock bock bock bock bock!”
Claire: Yeah and roosters are very loud: “Oh, rooster!”
Alex: They go like this: “Cock a doodle doo!”
Claire: “Cock a doodle doo!” They can do it quiet. No they can do it loud. “Cock a doodle doo! Cock a doodle doo!” You do it like that.

(Alex and Claire are eating circle bread.)
Claire: Now it, it – it’s a boat!
Alex (in a humming voice): Mm, mm, mm. Now it’s broken now. In two pieces.
Alex (in a humming voice): Mmmmm. People roll down the hill. Now the boat is broken. It breaks into pieces. All around the world.
Claire: And it’s not toasted!
Alex: And it flies all around the water, and the people swoosh through the water. But all the parts fall in. They fall right into the waterfall. Ummmm.
(Alex makes “nom nom nom” sounds as he eats his bread.)
Claire: May I have some more, um, toast please – um, circle bread please, Daddy?
Alex: Mmm. Get those two parts. Mmm. Get that one other part. Mmm. And then, we have to get the other parts too! Mmm. Mmm. It’s breaking. Mmm. One more part of it. Oh no! Gone, we can’t make anything (mumble)!
Claire (singing/chanting directly to her bread): (Mumble mumble) next time. (Mumble mumble) next time. I can’t see you, next time. Can I see you.
Claire (singing/chanting directly to her bread): Now I know my, AB, Cs. Next time, won’t you, sing with, me. Can, you, sing, with, me.
Claire: Turn, to this page.
Alex: Mmm mmm. Hello, people. Claire, put your bread down here.
Claire: Okay.
Alex: Hello, people. You wanna go for a walk?
Claire: Yeah.
(Alex and Claire make “chhh” sounds as their bread flies around.)
Alex: Crash.
Claire: Crash.
Claire: My boat is broken! I can’t go, I’m going really fast!
Alex: I’m broken too, right here.
Claire: I can go help youuuu!
Alex: Vrmm, vrmm, vrmm. Waaaah! It’s flying in air and it can’t drive!
Claire: I got you some stuff so you can drive!
Claire: Fix me now! I’m all broken, (mumble), I can go really fast!
Alex: I’m right here! Come to me!
Alex: You’re all fixed!
Claire: Okay. Now I’m going slow.
Alex: The canoe is broken!
Claire: I can go fix the canoe! I fix the canoe.
Alex: Look, Daddy, I made a canoe. But it’s broken right here.
Alex: Yeah, it’s a broken canoe, I like it.
Alex: Nnn, let’s put it back together. Very well. Squeeze it.
Claire: Squeeze the banoo.
Alex: And now, it’s not broken anymore!
Claire: Now it’s not broken anymore!
Alex: It’s a canoe!
Claire: It’s a canoe!
Alex: Dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba.
Alex: Hi, other canoe. Would you like to go for a walk?
Claire: Yeah!
Alex: Okay, this way.
Claire: Oh.
Alex: Hey, people are sticking through that. Who is that?
(Claire mumbles.)
Claire: A part of a hole. A hole in my thing! A hole in my circle bread! Look, a hole in my circle bread! Look a hole in my circle bread!
Alex: I can fix it. Here I come.
Claire: No, you can’t – fix my circle bread!
Alex: Um, you wanna go for a walk? Yeah!
Claire: Yeah, ‘cause, you need to fix my hole, fix – but – fix my hole but I ate your hole.
Alex: Uh no, don’t eat his hole, oh no the cabinet’s gonna eat – get – get eaten. I’m gonna eat the cabinet! Oh no, I’m gonna get eaten!
(Alex makes “nom nom nom” sounds as he eats his bread.)
Alex: Watch I’m really high!
(Alex makes “nom nom nom” sounds as he eats his bread.)
Claire: I’m gonna [win?]!
Alex: Splash! He fell in the water, Daddy.
Alex: Over the wave, oh no, I’m going over the big wave!
Claire: I’m going over the big wave!
Alex: Zoom zoom zoom, down this big wave.
Claire: Look, that’s a monster in front of me! Coming – a monster is coming to you it’s walking!
Alex: What?
Claire: It’s walking beti – between you it’s back of you! It’s – on your tummy and on your back!
Alex: Aah!
Claire: And there’s a spider on your back and on your tummy!
Alex: Now he can’t get me! He’s over here. He can’t jump. He can jump this far, and he can’t jump all the way –
Claire: And, and a spider and, and a monster are walking on your chair, A – your chair.
Alex: Aaaaaah, boom! [plus more sound effects]
Alex: Down in the way and here I come, to get that monster, and put him in the trash.
(Alex laughs.)
Claire: There’s a monster on your chair, and spider.
Alex (his voice trailing off into nothing): Whooooaaaa!

Claire (singing): ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP, QRS, TLV, WX, Y and Z, know my know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me.

Claire (to Daddy): Um, can I make a circle, and, a circle, can I, and can, I throw, uh my dinosaur way up in the sky?

Claire (to Daddy): Can you come in my room so I can make a circle?
Daddy: And then what happens with the circle?
Claire: Um and, then I throw my dinosaur up, way up in the sky and can you get it?

(Daddy tucks Alex into bed, and leaves his room.)
Alex: Um, Daddy? Ants live in dirt holes.

(Alex is in bed. Mommy opens the garage door.)
Alex: Is Daddy still here? Mommy?

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