Saturday, March 12, 2011

It won’t run out of batteries. The TV always works.

Claire: That's not nice to cut your hair, Alex.
Alex: What?
Claire: That's not nice to cut your hair.
Alex: Well, she didn't cut my hair, she cut my head open.
Claire: That's not nice to cut your head open.
Alex: No.
(Claire says something inaudible.)
Alex: Well the police wasn't in my dream. They didn't -- um -- he didn't take her to jail. Because he wasn't in my dream.

Alex: If you watch another show Claire, your brain will turn mushy.
Claire: It will run out of batteries?
Alex: What?
Claire: It will run out of batteries?
Alex: It won’t run out of batteries. The TV always works.

(Claire tells a joke.)
Claire: Daddy, why did the man take all of the food?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Claire: ‘Cause, he take - he ate it all!
(Daddy laughs.)
Claire: Good joke.

Alex: Woody’s not breakin’ the train, Hamm’s breakin’ the train, Woody’s saving the children. He’s a nice cowboy.

(We go on Mommy’s treasure hunt.)

Claire: Maybe a robot got the treasure first.

Claire: Maybe a dinosaur ate it.

Alex: Where are we?
Alex: Where are we?
Mommy: I don’t know, where are we?
Alex: In a forest.
Mommy: Right, we’re in a forest.
Alex: It's a car forest.

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