Saturday, March 5, 2011

It must be a little bunny rabbit, or a friendly neighbor.

Alex: Daddy, I went to Romp 'n' Roll, and I made a tortilla, and I have (mumble), and look what's on the back. I drew all the ingredients!

Claire: That's a man, um, with a recipe, and, um, a recipe, and that's a big with a red stuff.

(Daddy explains to Alex that when Mommy and Daddy were kids, there were no computers yet.)
Alex: That was a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time ago.

Claire: Because dogs don't have hands, so they can't open the door, but if they had a hand, they could open the door!
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: But we don't want our dog to open the door, so we didn't give him a hand.

(Alex is getting ready to have quiet time in his room.)
Alex (proudly): Yesterday I made a big parade!
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex (proudly): At the zoo!

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy are playing in the backyard.)

(Daddy needs to take a break from playing Monsters.)
Alex: I have a idea, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, what’s that?
Alex: You could take a break, and we could do monsters.

(The following quotes are from playing Hide and Seek.)

Claire: That’s a good hiding place, Daddy.

Claire: That’s a good hiding place, Alex.

(The following quotes are from playing “Monster Outside the Cabin”.)

Alex: And you say “That’s a cute bunny rabbit or a friendly neighbor”, Claire.

(Daddy points to the sticker-picture of a fire on the inside of the toy cabin.)
Daddy (to Claire): And we have a nice warm fire in here.
Claire: That’s a picture of a fire.

Alex: It must be a little bunny rabbit, or a friendly neighbor.

Claire: I’m gonna eat you up!

Claire: What is colored on the floor? Who colored on the floor?
Mommy: Grommie.
Claire: But he don’t have some hands!
Mommy: I think it’s blood. He bled on it.

Claire: Maybe, that’s a drawing from a marker.
Alex: No it’s not, Claire. Dogs don’t use markers.
Alex: Dogs don’t draw. They play.
Claire: Oh.
Alex: They play dog games.
Alex: So… that’s not – that’s not a mark from – from – a marker. That’s – that’s – Grommie doesn’t have a mark from a marker.

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