Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Very bad means you watch a show.

Alex: And I'll try not to bump into it, Claire, because, trying is the best thing to do.

Claire: The shopping cart's really really hard.
Alex: Yeah.
Claire: And the TV's hard.

(Mommy reads a book to Claire.)
Claire: Why him say, "That's enough!" Why him say that?

(Daddy burps quietly.)
Alex: Did you drink apple juice?

(Alex is playing "I'm stuck.")
Alex: Can you get your friends to help me?
Claire: Yeah. Juju Mallory help you.
Alex: Can the cow help me?
Claire: Yeah.

Alex: Don't say "eh".
Claire: Eh.
Alex: I don't like that.
Claire: Eh.

Alex: Can we watch a show?
Daddy: No.
Alex: But Claire hit her lip.
Alex: Very bad.
Alex: Very bad means you watch a show.

(Mommy is preparing to serve the craisin pumpkin bread that Alex and Claire made earlier.)
Claire (jumping up and down): I want eat bread! That yummy!

Daddy: Who made this bread?
Alex: Us.
Claire: Mommy. And Claire and Alex. We made it for you.

(Alex has been asking Daddy for more water.)
Alex: Daddy, I said it, quite times. Quite a times. And you didn't listen -- to what I was saying.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So can you do that tomorrow?

Alex: Can you say, who wants the pumpkin, okay?
Claire: Who wants the pumpkin?
Alex: Me!
(Claire hands over an imaginary pumpkin. Alex eats it.)
Claire (in a stern voice): No, don't eat your pumpkin.

(Alex is pretending to need rescue.)
Alex: Help me!
Alex: Help me!
Alex: Help me!
Alex: Hey Claire, you know what "help me" means? It means you need help.

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