Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I dropped something on your porch, and yoouuu get to keep it!

Daddy: Why did you get a sticker, Claire?
Claire: I got a sticker for sitting down really nicely.

Alex: Hey. I'm tired and I'm hungry, says my tummy, so can we have dinner in a little bit?

Claire: I'm thirsty.
Alex: I want some water.

(Daddy gives Alex and Claire some water.)
Alex: Thanks, Daddy.
Claire: Thanks, Daddy.
Alex: Thanks for some water.
Claire: Thanks for the water.
Daddy: You're welcome.

Alex: Can you give me a kiss, Claire, I hurt myself on the car.
(Claire gives Alex a kiss.)
Alex: On my foot.
(Claire gives Alex a kiss on his foot.)
Alex: Thanks. That's better.

Alex: I'm tired. So I'm takin' a break.
Daddy: All right. I understand that.
Alex: Whew.

Claire: I don’t need a blanket, Alex.
Alex: But I'm tired, and cold, so I need a blanket.

Claire: I don't need a pillow, Daddy.
Alex: And she doesn't need a blanket.

Claire: Daddy.
Daddy: Yes, what is it, Claire Bear?
Claire: I'm gonna go get something, Daddy.

Alex: Can I have a cup with a lid on it please?

(Daddy gets some water for Alex.)
Alex: Thanks.
Daddy: Alex, you're being so polite!
Alex: I'm gonna say please and thank you for dinner too.
Daddy: Good!

(Alex is pretending to be the brown truck.)
Alex: Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Mommy: What?
Alex: I dropped something on your porch, and yoouuu get to keep it!
Mommy: What is it?
Alex: That's your new making thing. You can make stuff with it.
Mommy: Oh, thank you.

Alex (to Claire): This is how the game works. You stay at the house, and I be the brown truck man.

Alex (to Claire): Hey, sir. Sir. Sir.
Alex (to Claire): You got two boxes today. Because you were being nice to your babies. You were nice, and nice, and nice.

Alex: Look! Look Daddy, I got a writing book!

Alex: Stumpety stump, stumpety stump. I had a stump --
(Claire comes over to Alex.)
Alex (to Claire): I'm telling myself a story.
Claire: Oh.


Claire: I'm a girl and a bear. I'm a girl and a bear.
Mommy: You're a girl and a bear?
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Mommy, I'm all done please. May you help me get down please Mommy?
Mommy: Can you ask Daddy?
Claire: May you help me get down please Daddy?

Alex: Which stroller can I have, Claire?
(Claire pushes a stroller toward Alex.)
Alex: This one?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Thanks for asking, Alex, that was nice.
Alex: You’re welcome.

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