Friday, October 8, 2010

The end. Dat a good story.

(Claire reads "My Big Girl Potty" to her baby during naptime. The following is an incomplete transcript, because a lot of what she said was hard to understand.)
Claire: I brushing my teeth.
Claire: That a new potty for her.
Claire: What is you doing.
Claire: I pee on the potty, I pee on the potty, I got peed on my bottom.
Claire: What is you doing. What is you doing on the potty.
Claire: Dat Daddy sitting on the couch.
Claire: What is her do -- what is her do -- with her teddy bear.
Claire: That her Daddy and that's her Mommy.
Claire: Dat peed on the potty.
Claire: (Mumble) clothes. Shirt. Put on.
Claire: What is you doing on the potty.
Claire: Her going to bed now. That all the pages. The end.

(Claire reads “Are You My Mother?” to her baby during naptime. This transcript is also incomplete.)
Claire: Where Mommy?
Claire: Where Mommy?
Claire: Her went somewhere.
Claire: Where Mommy go?
Claire: Her went somewhere.
Claire: Dere Mommy!
Claire: (Mumble) back in tree.
Claire: The end. Dat a good story.

(Claire reads another book to her baby during naptime. This transcript is also incomplete.)
Claire: Jump, jump, jump! Her is jumping down the (mumble).
Claire: That a tractor.
Claire: What's that? That a tractor.
Claire: Those bunnies is going to sleep. Turn out the light. The end.
Claire: No more books.

(Claire picks up her baby and holds it tight.)
(Claire holds her baby in her lap and sorts through all of the books.)
Claire: You want this one? Okay.
(Claire reads her Dora book to her baby.)
Claire: We're going to see Mommy and Daddy, and Daddy and Mommy.
Claire: I'm going to see Mommy (mumble) and Mommy and Daddy and go see Map and I see Daddy.
(Claire pushes her baby's face into the book.)
Claire: What is that?
Claire: What is she doing? What Dora doing? You don't know, baby?
Claire: What is Dora doing, her sitting right there.
(Claire finishes the book.)
(The AC turns on -- Claire stops and looks around.)
(Claire lies down on her back, hugging her baby on her chest.)

Alex: Daddy, I got homework!
Daddy: That's great!
Alex: Mommy! I wanna do homework with you!
Claire: I do my homework.
Claire: I do my homework.
Claire: I do my homework.

Mommy (to Alex): Can you say “oto-acoustic emissions”?
Alex: Oto-acoustic -- emissions.

(Dinner: pizza.)

Alex: Is that the macaroni one and this is the cheese one?

Alex: I think you guys like macaroni pizza because Claire does. Claire wants to eat some.

Alex: I love water, it makes me strong.

Alex: That looks like Grandpa's shirt, are you wearing Grandpa's shirt?

Claire: I pooped in my chair while we’re eating.
Mommy: While you were eating?
Claire: Yeah.

(Alex is looking at his homework book.)
Alex (to Claire): I'm doing schoolwork right now. Don't bother me.

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