Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm tired of going up these stairs.

Alex: I don't want to have pants on.

(Alex pauses halfway up the stairs.)
Alex: I'm tired of going up these stairs.

(playing Zingo)

Alex: I love Zingo!
Claire: I love Zingo!
Alex: This is my favorite game.
Claire: This is my favorite game.


Alex: I like everything!
Daddy: Good.
Alex: I like, chicken nuggets, oranges, carrots. Chicken nuggets, oranges, carrots. Chicken nuggets, oranges, carrots. Chicken nuggets, oranges, carrots.

Claire: I like dinner.

Claire: Grommie doesn't talk, Daddy.
Daddy: No.
Claire: No. He is a dog.
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire: I got some water on my nose.

Alex: Just a little, okay? Just a little of, um, brownies after dinner, okay?
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: That's yogurt on my tray.

Claire (explaining how yogurt got on her tray): I ate some snack yesterday.

Daddy: Alex, if you can have dinner with any three people in the world, who would they be?
(Alex thinks.)
Alex: Tyrone.
Daddy: Yeah? And who else?
Alex: Tyrone, and Pablo --
Alex (to Claire): No!
Alex: No!
Daddy (to Claire): Hey!

Alex: Hey, Daddy? Tyrone, Pablo, Tasha -- and that's all.

Alex: Oh, hey Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: Um, a thing that you can't eat every day, is… that you can't eat every day, is toast!
Mommy: Toast?
Alex: Yeah.

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