Sunday, October 10, 2010

It just took a minute, and then it stopped.

Alex (to Claire): I drank too much water, and all of this yucky stuff came out of my mouth.
Alex: It just took a minute, and then it stopped.

(Alex is getting ready to go downstairs.)
Alex (to Daddy): I need to get Ramone out of my bed, because he's a pretty car. He changes different colors.
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex gets Ramone from his bed.)
Alex (to Daddy): Spencer said he wanted to go down too.

(Alex and Claire are watching Dora.)
Alex (to Daddy): Why do they have to watch out for the mean persons?
Daddy: I don't know.
Alex: I think because, he might turn them into a mountain too.

(Alex and Claire are playing with Matchbox cars.)

Alex (to his car): You're stuck forever.
Claire (to her car): You're stuck forever.
Claire: You stuck forever.
Claire: Stuck forever.

Alex (to his car): You'll be stuck in a mountain.
Claire (to her car): You be stuck in a mount.
(Claire giggles.)

Alex (to his balloon): Ah ha ha.
Claire (to her balloon): Ah ha ha.
(Claire giggles.)

(Alex drives his Matchbox car around, chanting/singing as he goes. Claire follows him with her car.)
Alex: We're racing on the way
Claire: We're racing on the way
Alex: We're racing, we're racing
Claire: We're racing on the way, we're racing on the way
Alex: We're racing down a hill
Claire: We're racing down a hill

Alex: We can go this way.
Claire: We can't go this way. We can't go this way. We can't go this way.
Alex: We can go this way. We can, we can.
Claire: We can, we can.

Alex: I'm driving away, I'm driving away, I'm driving away
Claire: I'm driving away, I'm driving away

(Daddy is putting Claire's socks and shoes on. She picked out her socks herself.)
Claire: I like these socks. I like these socks. It pretty.
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: It have stripes on them.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire (to Alex): Look, Alex.

(Claire shows her socks to Mommy.)
Claire: It have stripes and polka dots on them!

(Daddy, Claire, and Alex are getting in the car to go look at things. Alex is carrying Elly, and Claire is carrying Juju.)
Alex: Is Grommie gonna go?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: A giraffe, a dog, and a elephant are gonna go.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And Pablo's gonna go too. Pablo's gonna sit beside me. And Tyrone's gonna sit beside Claire. Tyrone's gonna sit beside Claire.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And Charlie Brown's gonna sit beside you.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Those three guys are gonna go.

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are driving around looking at things.)

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are looking at a dark forest beside the car.)
Daddy: Maybe a daddy deer, and a mommy deer, and a baby deer live in there.
Claire: And a Grommie deer.
Daddy (laughing): And a Grommie deer?
Alex: That's silly, they don't have a Grommie deer.
Claire (upset): They do have a Grommie deer!

Alex: When I'm bigger, will we still play the dinner game?

(Claire stands behind the kitchen table.)
Claire (to Alex): You can't see me over here. You can't see me way over here.
Alex: I can see you. I can see your tummy.
(Claire looks at her tummy.)
Alex: I can see your head. I can see your head.
Claire: No.

(A few minutes later, Alex stands behind the kitchen table.)
Alex (to Claire): You can't see me over here.
Claire: I can see you.
Alex: You can't see me.
Claire: I got see your tummy.


(Daddy is serving up the last of the peaches.)
Claire: That all the peaches?
Daddy: Almost all of them. There’s two more.
Claire: That last one? That last one peaches for me.
Daddy: That last one peaches for you.

Alex (to Claire): Say bye, bogo.
Claire: Say bye, bogo.
Alex: See you later!
Claire: See you later!
Alex: Nice to meet you.
Claire: Nice to meet you.
(Alex laughs.)
(Claire laughs.)

Claire: Daddy, I don’t know where my new car is.
Daddy: Oh, you should look for it.
Claire: I want someone to look for it.
Alex: I see it!
Daddy: Alex sees it.
(Claire gets the car and runs to Daddy.)
Claire: I found my new car!
Daddy: Oh yay!

(Daddy is talking to Alex about words that start with the letter C.)
Daddy: Claire starts with the letter C.
Claire: I not letter C, Daddy. I'm Claire. I Claire Bear.

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