Friday, July 16, 2010

Watch me go really, really, really fast.


Claire: Two more sausage, Ah-yah. Two more sausage on my plate. Two more. Two more sausage on my plate.
Alex: Yes there is.

Alex: Are you a little bit grouchy, Daddy?

(Claire stands on the bottom step into the garage.)
Claire: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jump.
(Claire steps down.)

(Alex is eating graham crackers at snack.)

Alex: This looks like me, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: Look at this, Daddy. Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: This is Claire!

Alex: This is Mommy’s head.
Daddy: What is it?
Alex: This is Mommy’s head. Mommy’s head and her neck. Look, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah!

(Claire reads Gossie.)
Claire: Gossie sad.
Claire: Uh gossie find her shoes. Uh gossie find her boots!
Claire: There it is.
Claire: Gossie sad.


Alex (in a robotic voice): I am a robot. Beep beep beep buh buh beep beep beep. I'm a robot.

(Claire makes a weird gesture with her hands. Mommy mimics her.)
Claire (to Mommy, smiling): Do it! Do it!
Claire (to Mommy, smiling): Do it!

Mommy (giving more pizza to Alex): That's all there is. There isn't any more.
Alex: There isn’t any more.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Just like the book.
Daddy: Yeah. What book is that?
Alex: Madeline.

Alex: I'm tired of eating this pizza.
Daddy: Well then stop.
Mommy: You don't have to eat it.
Alex: ‘Kay. Well then I'm all done.

(Claire and Alex are pushing strollers.)

Claire: Watch, Mommy. Watch. Watch me go REALLY, FAST.
Mommy: Okay.
(Claire runs.)

Claire: Mommy, watch me go really, really, really fast.
Mommy: Okay.
(Claire runs.)
Mommy: Wow, that’s fast!

Claire: Watch me go really, really, really fast.
(Claire runs.)

Claire: Watch me go really, really, really fast.
(Claire runs.)

Alex: I'm gonna go really really fast, Mommy.
(Alex runs.)

(Both Alex and Claire do this many times.)

Claire: Watch me go fast, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Watch me go really fast.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Really really fast.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire runs.)

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