Thursday, July 1, 2010


(Claire gives Alex a train toy.)
Claire: That yours, Ay-yah.
Alex: Thank you.
Claire: Thank you, Ay-yah. Thank you.
Alex: Say "you're welcome", Claire.
Claire: Welcome.
Alex: Thank you.

(A little later, Claire gives Alex another toy.)
Claire: That yours, Ay-yah. Welcome, Ay-yah. Welcome.
Alex: She learned.

(Daddy is watching Wimbledon on TV.)
Daddy: What are those people doing, Alex?
Alex: Playing soccer. Playing baseball.
Daddy: What are they doing?
Alex: They're playing baseball.
Daddy: No, they're not playing baseball.
Alex: Playing soccer.
Daddy: No, they're not playing soccer.
Alex: Basketball.
Daddy: No, not basketball.
Alex: Football.
Daddy: No, not football.
Alex: What else?
Daddy: What else?
Daddy: They're playing tennis.

Daddy: If a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Alex: I told everybody -- I told somebody that at home -– at -– at school.
Daddy: And what did they say?
Alex: Nothing.

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