Monday, July 12, 2010


(Claire just got up, and Daddy is changing her diaper.)

Claire: Big poop.
(Claire holds her hands up about 3 inches apart, to illustrate.)

Claire: No ‘chool?
Daddy: Oh, we go to school today. And Mommy and Daddy go to work.
Claire: I don’t like ‘chool.

(after school)

Daddy (to Alex): What did you do at school today?
Alex: I don’t know!

Daddy (to Claire): Claire, what did you do at school today?
Claire: Eat lunch. Nuggets.

(Alex and Mommy are getting ready to go to the swimming pool for Alex’s first swimming lesson.)
Alex: Can we play in the sand, too?

Claire: Daddy uh go run.
Daddy: You’re gonna go run?
Claire: Yeah. Run fast.

(Mommy is upstairs, Alex is downstairs.)
Alex: Does the monitor get to your room, Daddy?
Daddy: No, it doesn’t go to my room, just your room and Claire’s room.
Alex: But I wanna talk to Mommy. I wanna tell Mommy something.
Alex (shouting): Hello?! Mommy!

Claire: Go, watch Daddy. Run, really fast.
(Claire starts to run, stops, and goes back to her starting position.)
Alex: Watch, Daddy. Watcha watcha watcha!
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Go, [counting on fingers] one, two, three.
(Claire runs.)

(Claire plays trains.)

Sir Topham Hatt: Uh James, uh go to tree house.
James: Okay.

Claire: Uh bus get a job. Uh bus get a job.
Sir Topham Hatt: Uh bus uh go to tree house.
Bus: Okay.

Claire: Take sock off, Daddy. Take sock off, Daddy. Take sock off, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
(Daddy takes his sock off.)
Claire: Other one.
Daddy: Okay.
(Daddy removes his other sock.)

Claire: Uh sit on feet.
(Claire sits on Daddy’s feet.)

(Daddy’s stomach rumbles.)
Claire: Dat you, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah, that was me.
Claire: Oh.
Claire (smiling, mimics the sound): Mmmmmmmmmmm.

(Daddy shows Claire the attached picture.)
Daddy: What’s that?
Claire: Claire, eating.
Claire: Claire, eating.
Daddy: Claire eating! That’s right!
Claire: Eating birthday cake.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Sad.
Daddy: Sad?
Claire: Like this.
(Claire makes a sad face and a boo-hoo sound.)

(Grommie runs to the door.)
Claire: Dat. Dat Mommy.
Claire : Grommie bark.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Grommie bark again.
Claire: At window.
(Grommie whimpers.)
Claire: Grommie barking!
(Claire hears the sound of a car door.)
Claire: Dat Mommy.
(The door opens.)
Claire (running to the door): Ma – ma – ma – Mommy!!

(Alex comes inside.)
Alex (calling out): Daddy, I have something to tell you!
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex (looking around): Yeah!
Daddy: I’m right here!
Alex: Hey, there you are. Hee hee!

Daddy: What did you wanna tell me?
Alex: I did a great job at the pool!
Daddy: You did?! Good for you!!
Alex: And there were different friends there, and they’re gonna be in my class now.

Alex (peeing in the potty while standing up): I'm peeing in the potty standing up.

Daddy: How did you pee in the potty, Alex?
Alex: Standing up!
Daddy: That’s right! Good for you!
Alex: I’m a daddy now, so I can do that.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I’m growing up!

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