Sunday, July 18, 2010

Big trash can!! Loud trash can.

(Daddy dresses Claire. Claire likes her dress.)
Claire: Show Mommy.
Daddy: Mommy’s still sleeping. We’ll show her later when she gets up.
Claire: Take shower.
Daddy: Mommy’s sleeping. Then she’ll take a shower.
Claire: Uh go show Ah-yah my shirt.

Claire: Dat Kipper!

Dora: Is it a baby cow?
Claire: No, dinosaur.

(Claire and Alex are playing in the family room. Alex is arranging a party.)

Alex: The party’s starting, Claire!
Claire: I uh get my bear.
Alex: This is gonna be fun!
Claire: I uh get my bear, too! I uh get my bear, eat, with me!

Claire: Climb climb climb climb, on, the sofa. And, on, the chairs. And, that all.

(Claire is holding Mommy’s rolled-up yoga mat like a purse.)
Claire: Daddy, bye-bye, I go, grocery store.

Alex: It’s time to eat cake, Claire.
Claire: ‘Kay. Time. Cake.

(Alex goes to the other room to get cake, then after a few moments, comes running back.)
Alex: Claire I’m scared, so I want you to go get some, ‘kay?
Claire: ‘Kay.
Claire: Uh go with you bear. ‘Kay? Okay.
(Claire and her bear go to get cake.)
(A long time passes, and Claire doesn’t return.)
Alex: Claire? Are you getting food? What kind of food did you get?
Claire (from the other room): No.
Alex: Get some cupcakes, and…
Claire: Kinda food. Carrots.
Alex: Get carrots, (inaudible) and…
Claire: That all, Ah-yah.
Alex: …And cupcakes and muffins.
Claire: Okay.
(Time passes. Claire returns with some food. A discussion ensues about what she got, and what she still needs to get. She goes back out for more food, and returns this time with a baby bottle.)
Alex: Did you get tomatoes?
Claire: No.
Alex: Cupcakes?
Claire: No. I get cupcakes, Ah-yah.
Alex: Okay.
Claire: Cupcakes. Cupcakes, Ah-yah.
Alex: Candles. There’s a marker.
Claire: Cupcakes.
Alex: ‘Kay.
(Alex and Claire drink from baby bottles.)
Claire: That yummy!
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: That yummy!
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: That milk. In there.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex (whining): Daddy! I hurt my this. I hurt this.
Daddy: Where?
Alex: Here. See it’s red?
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: Ah-yah!
Alex: What are you getting, Claire?
Claire: Um, cupcakes.
Alex: There’s a cupcake.
Claire: Okay.
Alex: There’s some cupcakes.

Alex: I need some corn, Claire.
Claire: No.
Alex: Can I get just one corn?
Claire: No.
Alex (to Daddy): Claire’s not giving me corn!

Claire: Uh get my bear, Ah-yah.
Alex: Okay.
Claire: Uh get my bear, eat, with me.

Alex: I’m all ready to go. I have drinks… and a can... and milk… and more milk… tea… coffee, tea, milk, and… teapot. If we need some more.

Alex: I need to sit with my bunny. And bear.
Claire: ‘Kay. I sit right there.

Alex: We have to sing “Happy Birthday”.
(Alex sings “Happy Birthday”. Claire joins in intermittently.)
Alex (singing): Happy Birthday dear Claire and Alex
Alex (singing): Happy Birthday to you
Alex (singing): Happy Birthday dear Claire and Alex
Alex (singing): Happy Birthday to you
Alex: Yay!
(Alex blows on his cupcake candle.)

Alex: Where am I gonna sit, Claire? Where am I gonna sit?
Claire: Right, there.
Alex: I don’t have room. Because your bear’s sitting there.

Alex: Claire. Claire I’m – I’m too tired to eat.

(after nap)
Alex: Hey Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex.
Alex: I had a dream – for nap – and, it was someone at school – um, it was a dream, about… Thomas and Daddy. That – Thomas came from my class, I though he came from, from the uh, from the, from behind the chair but, I fl – I, uh, it was about, Thomas and Daddy! Thomas and Daddy. But I didn’t like it. I didn’t like the dream.
Daddy: Why didn’t you like the dream?
Alex: Because, I didn’t like it, because my brain was telling me stories. Look I’m standing on here.
Daddy: Please don’t stand on that, Alex.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: Because I don’t want you to get hurt.

Alex: Help help! I’m gonna fall in the river!
Claire: No.
Alex: I’m falling!

Alex: Do frogs poop and pee?

Alex: I’m hungry, and -- and sleepy.
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: Let’s run around! Let’s run around!

Daddy: What did you do at Nana’s house?
Claire: Play strollers.
Daddy: Play strollers?
Claire: No. Play… airplane.

(Claire takes off her shoes, with a slight assist from Daddy.)
Daddy: Yay! You can take off your shoes and socks.
Claire: Yeah! Pull over heel.

(Alex is rolling a beach ball.)
Alex: I need to go pee so I better roll fast!

(Alex and Claire watch a thunderstorm during dinner.)

Alex: Big thunder!
Mommy: Yeah, that was big.
Claire: Big trash can!
Mommy: Is that what it is?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Okay.

Claire: Loud trash can!
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: I call it thunder.

Claire (repeating something Mommy said several minutes earlier): There you go, honey.
(Claire smiles.)
Claire: There you go, honey.

Claire: Big trash can!! Loud trash can.
Alex: No, Claire, that was not a trash can. In storms, they’re thunder.
Claire: Big trash can!
Alex: Trash cans are not the right thing.
Claire: Loud trash can!
Alex: It’s not things that you drop that fall, that means it’s really quiet about it. It’s just a little quiet. It’s not that loud, Claire.

Alex: Big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big boom!
Mommy: Yeah. That was a big boom.

Alex: Big, big, big, big boom! Daddy.
Claire: Yah yah big, big, big, big boom!
Alex: But our trees and bushes need milk and juice, I think. They need juice and not water. Water’s their favorite, right?
Daddy: That’s right.

Claire: Big, big boom, Daddy.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Claire, it’s not a trash can.
Claire: Big boom.
Alex: Yeah it’s not a trash can either.
Claire: Big, big, big, big, big, big boom!
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Did you see that?! Did you see that big whoosh?!

(A big wind blows through the yard.)
Alex: Look, Daddy!!
Daddy: Wow.
Alex: The jingles were, ringing.
Claire: W-- Daddy, big wind.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: The wind is so strong.
Claire: Yeah. Big, big wind.
Alex: Yeah.

(Alex and Claire are playing bouncy balls.)
Alex: Trade?
Claire: Yeah, trade.
Claire (making the exchange): There you go.

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