Saturday, January 1, 2011

I don’t like that dream.

Claire: This tree is going away.

Alex: Bye-bye, Christmas tree.

Claire: I’m making dinner for you, Daddy.

Claire: Ouch! I – I’m sorry.
Daddy: Did you hurt yourself?
Claire: Yeah. I’m okay.

Claire (proudly): I closed Map! I know how to close Map!

(Alex describes his bad dream to Mommy.)

Alex: Somebody took – was tryin’ to take off my head.
Mommy: That sounds scary.
Alex: That wasn’t nice.

Alex: Mommy? I was tryin’ to look for you.

Alex: And children, of a different school was there, and they were different, but they didn’t have any heads either, or arms.

Alex: Well, I didn’t see you, and you weren’t around in there.
Mommy: Sorry.
Alex: Nowhere. You were outside I think. You forgot me.
Mommy: Nooooo!
Alex: Yes you did.
Mommy: I’d never forget you!
Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: I don’t like that dream.

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