Saturday, May 2, 2009

I need a knife.

Alex: Play with me, Daddy!

Alex: I need a knife.

Alex: Can I cook with you Mommy?

Alex: I did it, Daddy!

Alex: It was in your bag?
Daddy: What was in my bag?
Alex: Your computer in your bag?
Daddy: Yeah, it was in my bag.
Alex: You got it out?
Daddy: Yeah I got it out.

Alex: I gonna cry in bed.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: ‘Cause Daddy’s gonna come in.
Daddy: Why are you gonna cry?
Alex: In my crib.
Mommy: Why? Why are you gonna cry in your crib?
Alex: ‘Cause Daddy comes in.
Mommy: Daddy comes in when you’re crying? Or you’re crying because Daddy comes in?
Alex: ‘Cause he reads me a book.
Daddy: Why does Alex cry in bed?
Alex: 'Cause Daddy comes in.
Daddy: Does Daddy make Alex sad?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Daddy makes Alex sad?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex (running in place): Hi, I'm a runner!

Alex: You want to go to Pop’s house and Nana’s house and Renee’s house and Camden’s house and Dana’s house and Doug’s house and they gonna be all there. And I gonna talk with them!

(riding in the car)

Daddy: Do you see the rain on the window?
Alex: Yeah, and on the sign. And on the trees and on the bushes. And the bushes and the trees.
Alex: It was raining. It was raining, Mommy.
Alex: And it’s raining on the barns.

Alex: We going down the hill.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: And ‘round the bend.

Alex: Look, it’s a heart, Mommy.
Mommy: A heart?
Alex: Yeah. And it’s a octagon.

(Dana and Alex are on the swings.)
Dana: Whee, I can do it!
Alex: Whee, I can do it!
Dana: I love to swing so high!
Alex: I like to swing so high!
Dana: Whee, I can do it!
Alex: Whee, I can do it!
Dana: I can do it!
Alex: I can do it!
(Dana shrieks.)
(Alex shrieks.)
(Dana squeals.)
(Alex squeals.)
Alex: I can swing so high!
Dana: I can swing so high!
Alex: I can swing so high!
Dana: I can swing so high!
Alex: I can swing so high!
Dana: I can swing so high!
Alex: I can swing so high!
(twenty minutes later)
Alex: I can swing so high!
Dana: Don’t you wanna stop saying that over and over?
Alex: I can swing so high!
Dana: I can swing so high!
Alex: I can swing so high!

(Alex puts a blanket on his baby doll.)
Alex (singing): Rock-a my baby, on the treetop
Alex (singing): When the wind blows the cradle will rock
Alex (singing): When the cradle break, the cradle will fall
Alex (singing): And down come my baby, cradle and all

Alex: I wanna sing a baby song.
Mommy: Do you want to sing Baby Over The Ocean?
Alex: Yeah. And the bird go in the hole. And it was really dark.

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