Saturday, May 30, 2009

And I will get strong and big and I will reach those buttons up there.

Alex: My diaper’s okay.
Daddy: Well let’s get you a fresh one.
Alex: My diaper’s okay. It’s geese and goss.
Daddy: It’s geese and goss?
Alex: Yeah. My diaper’s okay. There’s no poops.

(Alex is playing with Lily, a talking toy frog.)
Lily (singing): Hi! I’m Lily! Sing a counting song with me.
Alex: I don’t like counting song.
Alex: I gonna play puzzles.
(Alex goes over to the puzzles, leaving Lily behind.)
Lily: Hug me again!
Alex: I not hug you again.

(riding in the car)

Alex: And I will get strong and big and I will reach those buttons up there.

Alex: We have to go down the hill. We have to go down the street. And we have to go backwards.

Alex: Orange sign!
Daddy: Orange sign.
Alex: Two signs.
Daddy: Two signs.
Alex: Three signs.
Daddy: Three signs.
Alex: One sign.
Daddy: One sign.
Alex: Green sign.
Daddy: Green sign.
Alex: Orange sign.
Daddy: Orange sign.
Alex: I see signs.
Alex: I see a white sign.
Alex: I see more white signs.
Alex: I see white sign and more white signs and yellow sign and orange sign and more yellow signs and red and more orange and more red.

Alex: Where, where Daddy’s friends?
Mommy: We have to go to their house.
Alex: We have to go to… something else.

Alex: I gonna go see the butterflies.

Alex: And another sign. And another sign. And another sign. And another sign. And another sign. I see another graham bunny in there, Mommy.

Alex: Sorry Claire. I ate it. I ate it. I ate it all.

Alex: Where's my friend the boy?

(song time)

Alex: Sing the window song. And you look outside and it was dark.

Alex: Sing bear song.
Mommy: What?
Alex: And he ranned and he runs in the bushes.

(bed time)

Alex: Mommy, you wanna play trains go in the backyard and go in the playroom and play... trains?
Mommy: Yeah, Sweetheart, we’ll do all those things tomorrow.
Alex: Daddy!
Alex: You wanna play trains and go in the backyard and go in the playroom and play Barney?
Daddy: Yeah. Night night Alex, I love you.
Alex: And that gonna be fun!

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