Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why do people wear belts when they go to work?

(This comes from out of the blue.)
Alex: Daddy, can you look on my bucket list and see if there’s a Hello Kitty shirt, ‘cause I want a Hello Kitty shirt. See if there’s a word that says, “I want a Hello Kitty shirt, like Claire.”

Alex: If it’s not on there, put um, put it on there, because I want a Hello Kitty shirt.

Alex: I hope Claire’s excited about the Spring Fling this day.

Claire: Does Mommy have the internet at work?

Claire: I'm really strong to carry the chairs!

(Mommy wakes up and comes downstairs.)
Claire: Mommy! I'm playing Play-Doh, do you wanna play Play-Doh? There's no school.

(Alex and Claire are playing Bob the Builder.)
Alex: Lofty? Lofty? Is Lofty taking a shower, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Lofty is Mommy, and she's taking a shower. So we don't need her, for these jobs.

Alex: Daddy? Why do people wear belts when they go to work?
Daddy: Um, I guess it's just… it helps hold their pants up.
Alex: Oh. I was thinking that too.

(Daddy is driving Alex to soccer practice.)

Alex: He lifted the bears all the way to the quiet place, and them um – the foxes took them. It was empty!
Daddy: The foxes took them?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Well real foxes don’t take things.
Alex: Oh. Well what do foxes look like? Are they camouflaged so we can’t see them very much?
Daddy: No, foxes are um, kind of red, um…or kind of orange, and they look sorta like cats, um… but with pointier noses… They do look kinda like Swiper.
Alex: Oh.
Daddy: Swiper’s a fox.
Alex: Oh, yeah.
Daddy: He takes things.
Alex: That’s a pretend fox.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And, foxes don’t talk. Um, so, Swiper’s a pretend.
Daddy: Yeah.

(Later, still in the car.)
Alex: Running starts with R.
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: And, just like right. I’m on right, and run starts with R too.
Daddy: Good!
Alex: Claire’s on left. And um, lion starts with, um… L too.
Daddy: Good.
Alex: You’re – you’re on Mommy’s seat right now, so that’s, left. And nobody’s in this seat. This is right.
Daddy: Good, you’ve got your left and your right! Good for you!
Alex: But I always look right.
Alex: So I’m gonna look to left.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Why’s it so bumpy on that road? And it’s not so black?
Daddy: Um –
Alex: Not so dark blue?
Daddy: It’s a different kind of a road, and – it crack, had a lot of cracked in it, and so they had to put a lot of patches on it, and the patches are kind of bumpy.
Alex: What are the patches look like?
Daddy: Well the patches are, are asphalt –
Alex: It isn’t – are they yellow?
Daddy: Uh no, the patches are the black part.
Alex: Okay. Yeah.
Daddy: Like, like this road is all asphalt, that’s why it’s a – a black road, or gray. And it doesn’t get as bumpy because the asphalt doesn’t crack as much as that other stuff. Which I think is… cement, I guess.
Alex: Rocks are not… suh… suh-phalt. Uh it’s not, um they have, little bumps on ‘em that you can’t see. Right Alex: Daddy? And then, you, that’s why you bump on them so much.
Daddy: On rocks?
Alex: Yeah?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And the rocks on the road are so bumpy, so that’s why they’re made of… rasphalt. Right Daddy?
Daddy: Well um, the asphalt… the asphalt’s really smooth because a steamroller… mushed it really down.
Alex: Like Rollie!
Daddy: Like Rollie. And, ‘cause the asphalt has lots of little rocks in it, but then the steamroller flattens it until it’s all flat and smooth and no bumps in it.
Alex: But, the – does the crane lift ‘em up? And then – and then – and then the steam roller flattens it down, after our (unintelligible) on? Does a crane do it?
Daddy: Oh, to puts it on there?
Alex: Yeah?
Daddy: Um… no, I think there’s a special kind of truck for laying asphalt that’s kind of like a dump truck.
Alex: What is it?
Daddy: I don’t know what it’s called.
Alex: If – if I need to go potty while I’m playing soccer, can I go potty?
Daddy: Yeah, they have a potty here.
Alex: If I can stop and just, go potty?
Daddy: Yeah.

(Alex is walking onto the soccer field with Daddy.)
Alex (grinning): Maybe Coach Won’t is gonna be here.

(After soccer practice, Daddy kicks the ball at the goal, and misses.)
Daddy: I missed.
Alex: You can try again next, next spring, okay, Daddy?

(Daddy is driving Alex home from soccer practice.)

Alex: Um – they’ll – it -- maybe two gentlemen did it, and one was tired, so he went home.
Daddy: So you said one of the gentlemen?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Yeah. That’s how that started. You’re talking about that sidewalk?
Alex: Mm-hm.
Alex: That’s funny.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I’m just joking. Somebody couldn’t do that!
Daddy: Okay. Silly.
Alex: Right Daddy? They couldn’t do that, right?
Daddy: They couldn’t do that, no.

Alex: I wonder what they’re building over there? Maybe they’re just cleaning up some grass. Maybe they’re making a new road.
Daddy: Maybe. They have a lot of trucks.
Alex: Yep. But I – I didn’t see any steamrollers. I didn’t see any steamrollers.
Daddy: No steamrollers.
Alex: Well then, what are they doing?
Daddy: I don’t know. I guess they’re not doing a road, huh?
Alex: Yeah. Maybe they’re just um – putting a sidewalk there.
Daddy: Maybe they’ll build a building.
Alex: I hope not because cars – cars mi – cars might um – I don’t think cars’ll be able to get to that building.
Daddy: Yeah. That’s a good point.
Alex: Because – the track just goes straight. Doesn’t it Daddy, and it doesn’t go turning.
Daddy: Right.
Alex: So we don’t need a building there. I think they’re just building telephone lines there, Daddy.
Daddy: Just telephone lines?
Alex: Um, yeah like that. You see, electricity lines?
Daddy: Oh, yeah.
Alex: Towers. Or, maybe they’re just, makin’ a tower. But, why is there towers? Can mans climb on towers to fix the light?
Daddy: Yes. The workman can do that.

Daddy: Do you wanna do soccer tomorrow?
Alex: Uh… um…
Daddy: They have one more soccer, and it’s tomorrow, which is on Sunday. And then it’ll be summer and there’s no more soccer.
Alex: Are we doing the beach house?
Daddy: Um no, it’s not time for the beach house yet, but we’ll go there in the summer.
Alex: Um, after that summer, then we’re going to the beach house?
Daddy: Well no, during summer, we’ll go to the beach house during the summer. There’s Coach Carlos driving right next to us.
Alex (laughing): Oh yeah. He’s driving, in a car!

(Alex gets home from soccer.)
Mommy: How was it?
Alex: Good. I did everything.
Mommy: You did?! Good job!

Alex (talking to himself as he plays by himself): A monkey's gonna take my toolbox to the um, to the yard, to fix it. And I'm gonna get some nails.

(Alex is in timeout, and yelling angrily at Daddy.)

Alex (shaking his finger at Daddy): No, ma'am, Daddy!! That's -- that's -- that's a bad choice!! Bad choice, Daddy!!

Alex: No, Daddy! Bad choice!

Alex: No, ma'am! All of you!

(Timeout is over.)
Alex: No! I don’t want timeout to be over!
Mommy: Okay, you can stay there as long as you want.
Alex: No! I want another timeout!

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