Thursday, May 19, 2011

That was in my brain, too!

Alex: Can I have another waffle with syrup on it?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: And butter?
Daddy: Yes. Yes indeed, Mistereeno.
Alex: And don't call me Shirley!
Claire: Call me Shirley!

(Mommy and Daddy are both taking the kids to school, and Alex asks who is taking whom to whose class.)
Daddy: Well maybe Mommy will take Claire to her class, and I can take you to your class.
Alex: I thought that too! I thought that too, Daddy. That was in my brain, too!

(bed time)

Alex and Daddy (singing): Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep little Alex
Alex and Daddy (singing): Mommy loves you, Daddy too, Claire and Grommie love you
Alex and Daddy (singing): Nana and Pop, Grandma and Grandpa --
Alex (interrupting): Daddy, why do people have curtains on their windows? That's my question.

Alex: I'm tired, I don't wanna say my words.
Daddy: Well you don't have to.
Alex: I have to!
Daddy: Why do you have to?
Alex: Because I want to and I have to!

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