Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daddy, can you teach me how to drive the car?

Alex: I'm excited about soccer!

(at soccer)

Alex: Can I be a daddy and a soccer player?

Alex: I saw a motorcycle!
Daddy: Oh yeah!
Alex: Just like Sergeant Murphy!
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: Daddy, can you teach me how to drive the car? And um -- and -- then you have to put it on my bucket list.

Mommy: Tell me about soccer.
Alex: Um -- I got, um -- I got five goals.
Mommy: Five?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Whoa, good job! That's a lot!
Alex: That is a lot. And then I got tired, and tired, and tired, and tired, and pop!
Alex: My brain popped down.

(Claire pooped a little on the potty.)

Claire: I wanna tell Daddy! And I want chocolate!

Claire: Daddy, I pooped!

Alex: Can we take a movie of eating chocolate?

(Daddy pumps gas.)
Alex: Daddy, one day can you show me what the gas looks lilke, and I can, watch you put the gas in, can you put that on my bucket list?

Daddy: Claire, tell me about the party.
Claire: Um, I sit beside Vince.
Daddy: You sat beside Vince?
Claire: Yeah, um, at the party, when I was doing the video.

Daddy: What else did you do at the party, Claire?
Claire: Um. I don't know. No, um, Morgan, um. I -- I -- I slide down the -- I slide down the far down slides, Daddy!
Mommy: She slid down the big slides.
Claire: And I rolled down, too!
Daddy: You rolled?
Claire: When I slide down I rolled!

Alex (talking to the weather): Can you please stop thundering? I'll give you a cookie if you stop thundering.

(Mommy is talking to Claire about what she wants for her birthday party.)
Claire: My whole family.
Mommy: Who's your whole family?
Claire: Um Daddy and Alex and me and you. But not Grommie!

Mommy: So lots of balloons, and Mommy, Daddy, Alex, and you… and that's it?
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: And you want a Cars party?
Claire: Yeah.

Alex (scared of a thunderstorm): When there's big thunderstorms, and they go away, is there some weird kind of lightning?

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