Saturday, May 28, 2011

I want him to come back right now on this day.

Claire: Daddy, one day can we get a Blue's Clues book?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Because I love Blue's Clues.

Daddy: Claire, was that your pick?
Claire: Yeah. And Alex is still with Grandma but I want he to come back.
Daddy: I know. I want him to come back too.
Claire: I want him to come back right now on this day.

Claire: Daddy, play with me!

(Daddy and Claire have been playing Legos for an hour, and Daddy is slowing down.)
Claire: Daddy, play!
Claire: You have to play, Daddy!
Claire: Play, Daddy!
Mommy: Claire, can you stop saying that?
Claire: Can you play, Mommy?

(Mommy is putting on makeup.)
Claire: What's that?
Mommy: That's my new makeup.
Claire: When I'm a mommy, I can have new makeup!
Mommy: That's right.

Claire (to Mommy): I gave Daddy a kiss and a hug.
Mommy: Good.
Claire: And I love him.

(bath time)

Cookie Monster: Am I clean, Claire?
Claire: Yes you are clean, Cookie Monster.
Elmo: Am I clean, Claire?
Claire: You are, I just took you a bath.

(At bedtime, after Alex finishes saying his words.)
Alex: I didn't say all of them to Meg at my house, because I thought she might be laughing at all the body stuff.
Daddy: Did you say some of them to Meg?
Alex: Yeah. She liked them.

Alex: And Daddy, can you put, going to Grandma's house, for five days, one day, on my bucket list?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: When I don't have a cold, too.
Daddy: Okay. Night-night.
Alex: Night-night. Write it all together.
Daddy: Okay.

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