Friday, May 27, 2011

What if I want to play basketball outside while I'm there?

Claire: Daddy? After nap and school can I play cars, and babies?

(The kids come home from school.)

Claire: Daddy! I have a leaf for you!
Claire: Daddy! I have a leaf for you!
Daddy: Oh, I love it! It's so pretty! Thank you!
Claire: It's from Mommy and Alex and me!

(Alex is packing a bag for an overnight stay at Grandma's house.)
Alex: I put my ball in there, all by myself!

(Alex explains why he packed a basketball in his overnight bag.)
Alex: What if I want to play basketball outside while I'm there?

(Alex is leaving for Grandma and Grandpa's house.)
Alex (to Daddy): One day can we go with Alex, Claire, Mommy, and Daddy --
(Alex leans in close.)
Alex: -- can you put that on my bucket list? And we can sleep there!

(Grandma's car pulls away.)
Claire: I don't want them to go.

Claire: Grommie and Mommy, and Daddy, and Claire time.
Mommy: That's right.

Claire: We're having a bracelet party!

Claire: At breakfast I love that medicine.

Claire: I need my chair.
Daddy: I'll get your chair for you.
Claire (running off to get it): I can get my chair!
Daddy: Oh that's right, you're so big!
Claire: Yeah, and I'm really strong!

Claire: I, love, cookies! Yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy.

Claire: I have a special treat: cookies!
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: But not Alex, he's at Grandma's.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: I want he to come back to stay. I want he to come back. Every day he's, a long time, he doesn't come back.

Claire: Cookies are yummy. Daddy, cookies are yummy.
Daddy: They sure are.
Claire: And they're really crunchy.
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire: I ate special cookies!

Claire: Mommy? No, Daddy? Let's run!
(Claire notices her baby in the next room.)
Claire: My baby!
(Claire runs to get her baby.)
Claire: My baby my baby my baby my baby my baby!

(Claire is helping Daddy to feed Grommie.)
Daddy: Claire, are you gonna say "okay"?
Claire: Yeah! And pat my knee!

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