Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why does she give us some of her money?

(Alex buys a birthday present for Mommy at the dollar store, with his own money. The cashier gives him change.)
Alex: Why does she give us some of her money?

Claire: When can I open my seatbelt, when I'm a grownup, so I can drive the car, when I'm grown up?

Claire: Daddy? Can I tell Mommy when it’s her birthday?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Mommy, when is it your birthday?
Mommy: Friday.
Claire: Oh.
Mommy: When is it your birthday?
Claire: Saturday.

(Alex and Daddy don’t want Mommy to know that they went to the store to buy her a birthday present.)
Daddy: We were slow coming home from school.
Mommy: That's what Alex said.
Alex: Because there was a lot of traffic.

Mommy: On your birthday, you want a cake and presents.
Alex: She said raccoon.
(Mommy laughs.)
Alex: She said presidents.

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