Friday, June 15, 2012

Well, you die when you're a grown-up. But I won't die when I'm a kid, right?

Alex: Daddy, watch how I can take off my seatbelt!

Claire: Now I can make a X!

Alex: We missed you a lot.
Daddy: Aw! I missed you guys lots and lots too.
Alex: After graduation, I cried.

Alex: Remember I told you, “There’s just one more day, so you don’t have to worry.”

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy watch Alex’s graduation video.)

(In the video, the kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance.)
Claire: I have that song. At school.

Alex: I like that part because I like watching my shoes light up.

Alex (to Daddy): When I’m 42, don’t turn 43.

Claire (to Mommy): I have the pretty, socks – I have the pretty socks of the whole world, right?

Alex: I’d’ve never’ve thought five-year-olds could do it.
Daddy: Yeah, but you can do it.
Alex: But a lot of eight-year-olds and seven-year-olds do it.
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: And ten-year-olds.

Alex: You never stop getting bigger when you’re a grown-up, do you?
Daddy: Well --
Alex: Well, if you die.

Alex: You keep getting to a bigger number, right?
Daddy: Right.
Alex: Until you die.

Alex: Well, you die when you're a grown-up. But I won't die when I'm a kid, right?

Alex: What did you draw, Claire?
Claire: Um, the sun and the grass and all the dirt under the grass, and our family.
Alex: Oh.
Claire: And the sun.

Alex: I wanna have some Daddy time without Mommy.

Alex: A duck’s life has food all over the world.

Claire: Mommy, the mostest thing in the world is grass.

Claire: Our rules are, don’t get on the table and don’t talk while you’re sleeping.

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