Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I made a geyser!

Claire: Daddy, can you play this game with me?

Claire: After all the sticks are done, we should count them and see who gots the most, okay?

Claire: When we get back to the house, we can put all the shells in my collection.

Claire: Maybe we can play a game while we walk.

Claire: Now I have a different game. This game is gonna be really hard.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Somebody has to walk, and get ahead of the other person. Isn't that really hard?

Claire: You get in this path. No, you get in that path. Now. I have a game. You need to -- um, run and get ahead of that other person. Okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: Go!

(Claire and Daddy play this game several times.)

Claire: What does “intrepid” mean?

Alex: It’s like a marching band! In the water!

Claire: It’s really yummy. I'm gonna eat all of it.

Alex: Sit right here, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You're my buddy.

Claire: At school, Miss Yvonne has a baby named Claire like me!
Daddy: Oh yeah?
Claire: Except she's tinier. I saw pictures and she has piggy tails like me.

Alex: Maybe it’s because sometimes bad guys try to cut it down, and bad guys don't like pretty things, so they can't cut it down...

Alex: Wait up, guys!

Alex: You're like Meg’s Uncle Jimmy!

Claire: I'm gonna teach Alex my shovel game. Someone hides the shovel where no one can see it, and then they say "Where's the shovel?". And then if they find it, they win.

Alex: I made a geyser!

Alex: I made a geyser!

Alex: Mommy, I made a geyser!

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