Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You can't trust freight cars.

(Daddy wakes up Claire.)
Claire: Uh Mommy?
Daddy: I think she's downstairs.
Claire: Uh-wa go see her.

(Claire lies down beside her bed for diaper change.)
Daddy: Claire's bed.
Claire: Uh Ay-yah's bed?
Daddy: Ay-yah's bed is in Ay-yah's room.
Daddy: Where's Mommy and Daddy's bed?
Claire (smiling): Um… in the shower.

(Alex and Claire are watching Sesame Street.)
Alex: Hey, Daddy, the elephant has a long trunk and big ears!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex (laughing): Elephants can't talk!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: And… elephants don't walk. They stay in the water!
Mommy: Elephants?
Alex: Yeah some elephants. They spray water on their back.
Mommy: Yeah but they like to walk on land, too.

(Alex and Claire are watching Bob.)
Alex: What's Spud's face made out of?

Claire: Uh play shopping carts.

(Alex and Claire are having snack. Daddy comes home from work.)
Alex: Daddy! New swings.

(A little later, Mommy is pushing Claire and Alex on the swings. Daddy comes outside.)
Claire: Daddy! New swings!

(Alex and Claire are playing trains. Claire is upset because Alex’s train is following her train.)
Claire (whining): Uh go! Uh go! Uh go!
Daddy: Claire, you go at your own pace. Alex, don’t get too close. You know what they call it when you drive too close to someone? They call it tailgating.
Alex: I’m not tailgating.

(Alex is mad at Daddy.)
Alex: Little boys can ask you what the teacher’s name is, and if they don’t know what it is, you have to stop talking.

(Daddy reads a Thomas book to Alex.)
Alex (interrupting): You can’t trust freight cars.

(It’s bed time, and Alex is rambling.)
Alex: … And you have to wake me up on four days.
Daddy: I have to wake you up on four days?
Alex: Yeah, and some days I have to go on trips. And then go back to nap.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So me brain can tell me dream stories.
Alex: Grommie’s lying there.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Is that a dream?

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