Sunday, June 13, 2010

They have wonderful things in there.

(Alex discusses what it was like to sleep in the same room as Claire.)
Alex: But she was driving me crazy.
Daddy: How was she driving you crazy?
Alex: She kept saying the same things over and over.
Daddy: What did she say?
Alex: She said my bed and my class, and where's Daddy and where's (mumble), and it was -- it -- it was -- upsetting me.
Daddy: I'm sorry.

(Alex looks into Grandma’s toy chest.)
Alex: A crane! They have wonderful things in there.

(Mommy, Daddy, Claire and Alex are in the car.)

Alex: Diggers! Did you see the diggers, Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Did you see the diggers, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Did you see the diggers, Claire?
Alex: Claire?
Alex: Claire?
Alex: Claire?
Alex: Claire?
Alex: Claire?
Alex: Did you see the diggers?
Claire: Yeah. Far away.
Alex: Fly? They don't fly. They drive.

Alex: That guy’s goin’ way too fast.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That yellow one’s goin’ way to fast andthatoneandthatoneandthatoneandthatone. All these cars are goin’ way too fast.

(Alex gives Daddy his left over cheese at snack.)
Alex: Daddy? For giving - for giving - for giving you cheese, I need more chocolate graham bunnies. Because you’re a nice daddy.

(Alex is drinking water, which Daddy just emphasized is healthy.)
Alex: It’s getting me healthy, it’s growing me big.

Claire (pushing the cooler around): I wanna get by.
Alex: You can when I move.
Alex: You can go on the other side of me, there.

(Alex finishes his snack.)
Alex: I have to put my fork in the sink.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Forks go in the sink. And spoons and knives. But scissors don't go in there.

(Claire is helping Daddy to fold laundry.)

Claire (to Mommy): Uh help Daddy! Uh folding laundry!

(Alex is now also helping Daddy to fold laundry.)

Alex: I know how to fold laundry ‘cause I'm big.
Daddy: You do!

Claire: Ay-yah PJs. Daddy -- Ay-yah PJs.
Daddy: Yeah!

Claire: Dat, Daddy. Dat.
Daddy: That, is a washcloth.
Claire: Washcloth.

Alex: I know how to do it ‘cause I'm big.
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: I can do it. I'm putting right there. I'm folding laundry!

(Mommy makes a noise upstairs.)
Claire: Dat, Daddy. Dat. Dat Mommy. Dat Mommy.
Daddy: That's Mommy.

Claire: Get you... underwear!
(Claire laughs.)
Daddy: What's so funny, Claire?
Claire: Me!

Alex: I like the tractor that Ernie got me.

Alex: I want it to be my turn to spill the water on the plants.

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