Friday, June 18, 2010

One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten!

Claire: I took a good nap.

Alex: I be’d really good for you.
Daddy: Oh good!
Alex: Did you bring me a present?

(Alex tells Daddy about the train at the Children’s Museum.)
Alex: You could push the buttons, and it made noises.

Alex: You’re gonna come eat a donut with me at school.

(Alex and Claire are playing with their new Matchbox cars.)

Alex: His name is… Coh-roh-tah.
Daddy: Coh-roh-tah?
Alex: Yeah.

Claire: Watch, Daddy. Watch, Daddy. Watch uh go in circle.
(She drives her car around.)
Daddy: Whoa, he went in a circle!

Claire: Watch Daddy. Watch Daddy.

Claire: Watch Daddy, watch.
Daddy: Okay.
Daddy: Whoa!

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex (referring to the cars): They are living in Montana too. That’s their house.

(Alex and Claire send their cars across the floor.)
Alex: That was really fast, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah, it was!
Claire: Really fast. Family room.

(Alex poops.)
Claire: Uh get chocolate.

(Alex is still in the bathroom. Daddy and Claire are in the kitchen.)
Daddy (to Claire): Do you know what that room is?
Alex (shouting from the bathroom): The family room!
Claire: Uh, family room.
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex (shouting from the bathroom): I helped my sister!

Claire (swinging): Uh swinging.

Claire (crawling): Uh crawl, like baby.
Mommy: You crawl like baby?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: What’s your name?
Claire: Uh – Claire.
Daddy: Good job.

Claire: Uh Daddy see poop.
Daddy: You wanna see the poop? You can go see it.
Claire: Uh Daddy see poop.
Daddy: Okay, let’s go see the poop.
(Daddy and Claire go see the poop.)
Daddy: Oh, poop. Good job, buddy!
Alex: I’m a big boy.
Claire: Uh get chocolate, Daddy. Uh get chocolate. Uh get chocolate.
Daddy: Mommy will get you some.

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are in the car, on their way to the Children’s Museum.)

Claire: Uh ride the train.
Alex: You have to wait your turn for the next train.

Alex: Hey Daddy? You have to wait your turn for the next train.
Daddy: Oh, that's sounds like the right thing to do. That sounds nice.
Alex: Hey, but the conductor’s takin’ a break.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: I'm tryin’ to look for –- for -- for a really tall tree.

Alex: Daddy, don't go the wrong way, okay?
Daddy: Okay, I won't.

Alex: I saw a bridge there.
Alex: I wish I could go on that bridge.
Alex: Some other time can you take me on that bridge?

(At the Children’s Museum.)

Alex: I have a emergency. I have a runny nose.

(Alex finds a pirate doll.)
Alex: I'm a pirate! Pirate Captain Moody.

Claire (walking up the stairs): Uh hold railing.

(Daddy is driving Alex and Claire back home again.)

Daddy (upset at traffic): Oh my goodness!
Alex: What happened?
Daddy: Oh nothing, I'm just trying to get in the lane.
Alex: That car wasn’t doing it right?
Daddy: Yeah, it wasn’t doing it right. And it was frustrating.
Alex: Why was it frustrating?
Daddy: Because I got frustrated. I lost my temper.
Alex: Where's your temper?
(Daddy laughs.)
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where is it?
Daddy: I don’t know, I lost it.
Alex: You hafta hold onto things, if you lose them, you can't find them.

(Alex shows Daddy how he can hold up different numbers of fingers.)
Alex: Look Daddy, you go to two, you go to one, you go to two, and then you go to three.
Daddy: Good job!

(Daddy is typing on his Blackberry.)
Alex: Wh – what’s that? Are you makin’ a million dollars?

(Daddy gives Claire a hug and a kiss.)
Alex: Kiss me, Daddy, and hug me.

(dinner time)

Claire: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten!
Mommy: Good job, Claire!
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven…
Alex and Claire (in unison): …eight… nine… ten!
Mommy: Good job, Alex! Good counting!
Alex: Just like the Count!
Mommy: Like the Count?
Claire: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten!
Mommy: Yay! Good job.
Alex: One… two…
Alex and Claire (in unison): …three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten!
Mommy: Yay! Good job!

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