Monday, June 21, 2010

I a big girl.

(Alex opens the pantry door and shouts into the pantry.)
Alex: Is there any peaches in here? The (unintelligible) peaches? I'm getting some at the quarry.
Alex: No, we don't have any peaches.
Alex: Okay. I'm going to the grocery store.

(Alex and Claire are getting into the car.)
Claire: Uh climb.
Daddy: Okay Claire, you can climb.
Alex: I'm gonna climb too. I'm a big boy.
Daddy: Yes you are.
Claire: I a big girl.
Daddy: You are a big girl, Claire.
Alex: Grommie’s a big dog.
Daddy: He sure is.

(Claire is playing in the playroom, while a kids’ song CD plays.)
Claire (in time with the song): G
Claire (slightly ahead of schedule): P
Song: QRS
Claire (in time with the song): TUV
Song: WX
(Here the song pauses.)
Claire: Y and Z
Daddy: Good job, Claire!

Alex: Scream at me, Claire.
Claire (smiling): Ah!!!
(Alex laughs.)

Alex (helping Mommy cook): My hand’s getting a little bit burnt, but it’s okay.

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