Sunday, June 6, 2010

Uh hold my hand, Daddy.

(breakfast time)

(Alex is watching Sid the Science Kid.)
Alex: Gerald’s so silly!

Claire: Uh get down.
Daddy: You ready to get down?
Claire: Yeah.
Claire (wiggling in her chair): Uh be silly!

Alex: Daddy? Are you happy? Can you be happy?
Daddy: Yeah I’m happy.
Alex: You’re talkin’ happy now.
Daddy: Good!
Alex: Thank you.
Daddy: You’re welcome.

(Daddy, Claire, and Alex are riding in the car. Claire sees a sporty car.)
Claire (pointing): Race car, like Stickers!

(Claire is reading her book aloud.)
Alex: Claire’s so funny, Daddy!

Daddy: Tell Mommy what you saw at the animal store.
Claire: Uh animals, uh dog, woof woof!

(Alex finishes reading a book to Claire.)
Alex: I’m Claire’s daddy. I’m gonna read to her every day. Can you tell Mommy that?

(Everyone is getting ready to leave for the grocery store.)
Claire (reaching out to Daddy): Uh hold my hand, Daddy.

(Daddy is pushing the shopping cart. Alex and Claire are riding in the kiddie car attached to the front.)

Alex: Go, Daddy, Go!!

Alex: Go go go and don't stop, Daddy.

Claire: Daddyyyyyyyy!!
Alex: Daddyyyyyyyyy!!

(Alex and Daddy are walking in the road, when a car comes up from behind.)
Daddy: Let’s move to the side, Alex, so a car can get by.
(Alex looks back, sees the car, and moves to the side of the road.)
Alex: Thanks for watching, Daddy.
Daddy: You’re welcome.

(dinner time)

(Claire winds a strap from the chair around her wrist.)
Claire: My watch, Mommy, my watch.
Mommy: Is that your watch?
Claire: My watch, beep. Beeeep!

Claire: Buh. Buh. Buh. Dah Claire. Buh, buh, buh, buh. Yaaaaaay!

(Mommy finishes writing Claire’s invitations.)
Alex (unprompted): You worked hard on that.
Mommy: I did, I’m glad you noticed that! That makes Mommy feel good that you noticed.

Claire: Three, four, nine, ten… three, four, nine, ten…

Daddy: One, two, three, four…
Claire: Nine.
Daddy: Five…
Claire: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, three!

(getting ready for bed)

Claire (running around Daddy): Uh run in circle! Uh run in circle!
Daddy: Are you running in a circle?
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Uh guh run in triangle!
Daddy: You’re gonna run in a triangle?
Claire: Yeah.
Claire (running around Daddy): Uh run in triangle!

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