Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ummm... birthday!

Claire (crying repeatedly on the way to school): Uh play at home!

Alex: I see the flag blowing in the breeze!

Alex: They're driving in the trees. They're driving in the woods. That's silly, a car can't drive in the woods!

(Claire leads everyone into the house.)
Claire: C'mon Mommy. C'mon Daddy Ay-yah. C'mon Grommie. C'mon Grommie.

(Alex and Claire are playing trains. Alex starts singing.)
Alex: Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Alex: Red and green and brown and blue
Alex: They're a useful useful crew
Alex: All with (mumble) roles to play
Alex: What else, Daddy?
Daddy: Round Tidmouth Sheds...
Alex: Round the Tidmouth Shed, far away
Alex: Down the hills and round the bends
Alex: Thomas and his friends
Daddy: Good job, Alex!

(Alex pooped on the potty. Claire heads into the kitchen for her chocolate.)
Claire: Uh get my chocolate, Daddy.
Daddy: Alex'll get it for you. Or I will, if he can't reach it.
Alex: I can scoot it over to myself. I'm big as a giant. So I can do it.

Daddy, may I have Mommy's doll that her Grandma gave her?

(nap time)

Alex: Play head, and play eye, and play nose, and I will be really mad, and don't turn off your light, and don't close your door, and, and… and don't close your door, I mean -- mess with books, and play door, and play house… and look at pictures, and now go to sleep. And play on the floor and play on the ceiling.
Daddy: Okay, night-night, I love you.
Alex: I love you too.
Alex: And play light.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Claire, do you know what today is?
Claire: Ummm… birthday!
Daddy: That's right! Whose birthday is it?
Claire: Juju!

Mommy: What's today, Claire?
Claire: Friday!

Mommy: What's today?
Claire: Tomorrow.

Mommy: What's today?
Claire: Claire.
Mommy: Claire?
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: Is it your birthday?
Claire: Yeah.

(Alex spontaneously starts singing, showing the right number of fingers each time.)
Alex (singing): Four little monkeys jumpin’ on the bed
Alex (singing): One fell off and bumped his head
Alex (singing): Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
Alex (singing): “No more monkeys jumpin’ on the bed!”
Alex (singing): Three little monkeys jumpin’ on the bed
Alex (singing): One fell off and bumped his head
Alex (singing): Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
Alex (singing): “No more monkeys jumpin’ on the bed!”
Alex: And -- what else?
Mommy: Two.
Alex (singing): Two little monkeys jumpin’ on the bed
Alex (singing): One fell off and bumped his head
Alex (singing): Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said
Alex (singing): “No more monkeys jumpin’ on the bed!”
Alex (singing): One little monkey jumpin’ on the bed
Alex (singing): One fell off and bumped his head
Alex (singing): Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said…
(Claire and Alex sing the last line together.)
Alex (singing): “No more monkeys jumpin’ on the bed!”
Claire (singing): “No more jumpin' on the bed!”

Claire: Campbell eating.
Mommy: Campbell was eating?
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Ashleigh eating.
Mommy: Ashleigh was eating?
Claire: Yeah.
Claire: Dylan eating.
Mommy: Dylan was eating?
Claire: Yeah.
Claire: Iha eating.
Mommy: Iha was eating?
Claire: Yeah.

Daddy (to Alex): Alex, don't tell her, cause I wanna see if Claire knows how old she is.
Daddy (to Claire): Claire, how old are you?
Claire: Three!
Daddy: Three? And how old is Alex?
Claire: Four.
Daddy: How old is Daddy?
Claire: Nine.
Daddy: How old is Mommy?
Claire: Four.
Daddy: How old is Grommie?
Claire: Night.
Daddy: What?
Claire: One!

(Mommy points the camera at Claire.)
Claire: Uh say cheese.

Claire: Uh get picture uh birthday.
Mommy: You want me to get a picture of you eating your birthday cake?
Claire: Cheese!
Claire: Uh see it.

Alex: I like the icing.
Mommy: I do too.
Claire: I like uh icing.
Alex (to Mommy): I like you because you're icing.

Claire: Uh see Claire eating.

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