Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Alex: Is it Wednesday?
Daddy: Um… yeah, it's Wednesday.
Alex: Soccer! And play date!
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: No school?
Daddy: We have school.
Alex: Claire, on Sunday and Saturday, we don't have school, and on Wednesday and Tuesday we do have school. And on Thursday we have school. And, um, Friday we have school. So those are the days we don't have school, and those are the days we do have school.

(Claire is watching Blue's Clues.)

Claire: A clue, a clue!

Claire: A clue, a clue!

Steve: You know what we need? Our handy-dandy, supery-dupery --
Claire: Notebook!

Alex: Steve is a real person, but not Blue.
Daddy: That's right.

Alex (singing): It's a cloudy day, sweeping sun away!
(Alex laughs.)

Alex (singing): It's a sunny day, sweeping gummi bears away!
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: I know something important! You have -- you have to take care of your kids!

Alex: You know what we're not doing because it's not taking care of our Earth? Putting trash on the ground.

(after school)

Alex: Daddy! They have a big pile of dirt at school.


Alex: Daddy, if you don't like it, you say, "Please don't give me the recipe."
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: Mommy Mommy? When we get all my poop out, will we go to Chuck E. Cheese's?

(Claire sees that the scratch on her face has disappeared.)
Claire: Daddy, my scratch is away!

(Claire wipes her hands clean after dinner.)
Claire (to Mommy): Look -- at -- meeeeee!
Claire: Look at me, Mommy.
Mommy: Good job, Claire!
(Claire jumps in front of Daddy and holds her hands out proudly.)
Claire: Look at meeeee!
Daddy: Good job, Claire!

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