Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I guess when we were born, someone made a lot of raisins.

(Mommy and Daddy wake up to find that Claire and Alex are playing together in Alex's bed.)
Alex: We slept together!

(Mommy has a new dress on.)
Claire: I like your… clothes.


Alex: I guess when we were born, someone made a lot of raisins.

Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: What?
Alex: How do you make breakfast with a dessert?
Mommy: I don't know.
Alex: You use a bunny!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I thought that joke up.

(Dora's credits play.)
Alex: They never click on Dora!
Claire: They never click on Dora!

Alex: Do we have time for another show?
Daddy: No, we don't have time for another show, but we have some time to play.
Claire: I got -- those toys beside the sofa, we can play with.

Claire: I'm scared of the rain because I hope the trees fall down.

Daddy: Alex, does Grandma have any kids?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Who are her kids?
Alex: Alex and Claire are her kids!
Daddy: What happened to her kids?
Alex: They died.

Claire: Where's Mommy's favorite kid?
Mommy: What did you say, Claire?
Claire: Where's Mommy's favorite kid?
Mommy: What?
Claire: Where's Mommy's favorite kid?

Claire: I didn't spill.
Claire: I didn't spill.
Claire: I didn't spill, Mommy.
Mommy: Good job.
Claire: Daddy, I didn't spill.
Daddy: Good job, Claire Bear.

Mommy: What does a three-year-old boy want for his birthday?
Alex: I don't know.
Daddy: Is he about to turn four?
Mommy: No, he's about to turn three.
Alex: What boy?
Daddy: Claire has a friend who's about to turn three.
Alex: A boy. Mommy said a boy, not a girl!

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: I want to go to Vince's party because I like eating cake.

(Alex picks up the phone.)
Alex: What's Grandma's phone number?

Claire (to Alex, angrily): I'm gonna go play by myself. Because you threw my car.

(Alex and Claire are playing.)
Alex: So let's go get that gingerbread person! He ate all the candy. The kids are supposed to eat it.

Alex: Sorry Mommy.
Mommy: What.
Alex: I didn’t mean to not eat my broccoli.

Alex: Daddy is that your book light?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: When I'm a daddy, can you make me a Kindle, so I can have a book light?

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