Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh, I just wanna be a flower so I could have colors.

Claire: Alex, maybe next time, after we play with something, before we play with something else, we clean up that -- we clean up the first thing before we play with something else. So it doesn’t get so messy.
Alex: That is a great idea!

Alex: Claire, when you’re pretty, you’re called pretty. When I'm pretty, I'm -- I'm called handsome. Right?
Claire: Mm-hm.
Alex: It sounds better.

(Alex and Claire are excited about the idea of taking care of Mommy on Mother's Day.)
Alex: Daddy, you know what we could do?  We could do everything for Mommy every day!
Daddy: Yeah!

Alex: This is fun!
Daddy: Good!  It's nice to take care of Mommy.
Alex: And I'm excited for her to see all the mess cleaned up.
Alex: This is the best day of all, her whole life, right, Daddy?

Claire: This is hard, but I can do it with you helping!

Alex: Hi Grommie!  We're cleaning up for Mother's Day.

Claire (to Mommy): We're cleaning up everything for you.  Not even one little toy!

Claire: I just cleaned -- Alex, I just cleaned the whole chip game up!
Alex: And I almost cleaned up the whole train room!

Alex: This is hard work.

Claire (after washing her hands): Daddy?  The bubbles are the soap.

Alex: Surprise!  The house is all cleaned up!
Mommy: It is?
Alex: We cleaned it up!

Claire: You wanna come look and see?

Claire: Look on the floor!

Alex: You didn't have to do anything today.

Alex:  Daddy?  We're gonna cook dinner for Mommy!
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: And it's gonna be pizza!

Alex: We would never not be loving you, Mommy!


Claire: When everybody's starting to eat, can we play a game?

Claire: When somebody says a farm animal, that's at the farm?  All the other people have to guess it.  Okay?

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes?
Claire: A long, long ago there was just dinosaurs, no people.
Daddy: Yeah?
Mommy: Where were the people?
Claire: Nowhere.
Alex: They weren't born yet!

Alex: There wasn't even one person.  Everywhere you looked there was just dinosaurs.  And volcanos.
Claire: And trees.

Alex: Did you know that sharks can grow their teeth back in?

Alex: So can starfish, they can grow their legs back.

Claire: And sharks are, all the way, dowwwn in the ocean.

Claire: When somebody says a food?  A color?  Then somebody has to guess it.

Claire: Daddy, the food game is that when somebody says a color that's a food?  The other persons have to guess it.

Claire: Daddy, I wanna be a superhero, but, when I see a shooting star, I still wanna be a superhero.
Daddy: Oh, okay.  Why do you have to see a shooting star?
Claire: Because I wanna be a superhero!

Claire: But I think I wanna be a flower.  I wanna be a flower with lots of colors.  Purple and pink and blue and red!

Alex (about Grandma): She's a good flower planter.
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah.  She's a gardener.
Claire: I want Grandma to come to our house.  I want Grandma to come to our house.

Claire: Oh, I just wanna be a flower so I could have colors.

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