Sunday, July 1, 2012

When people die, they won't ever come back again?

(Mommy is baking biscuits.)
Claire: Oh!  What is that smell?  It smells like chocolate!

Claire (running around, flapping her arms): Daddy, I'm a fairy.

Claire (driving her new car): Daddy, the fairy's driving the car.

Claire (driving her new car): Mommy, the fairy's driving her car.

Claire: Mommy, if you been, the fairy won't give you something.

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Claire Bear?
Claire: Um, if you be mean, the fairy won't give you something.

(Claire is eating pudding.)
Claire: I made a huge hole and a cliff.  See this is the part where you stand, and you faaaaaalllll.

(Daddy is sitting on the couch working a puzzle; Claire walks by, pushing a grocery cart.)
Claire: Daddy?  You're off at work and I'm going to the grocery store.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: I'm going to the grocery store with my baby.
Daddy: Okay.

(Claire is looking at a photo album, and wonders about a picture of Sabrina, who died before Claire was born.)
Claire: How are they gone?
Mommy: They died.
Claire: Will they come back?
Mommy: No, they died.
Claire: When people die, they won't ever come back again?
Mommy: That's right.
Claire: Oh.

(Alex sees a picture of Mommy's grandpa.)
Alex: That's my great-grandpa.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: How many years did he stay?

(Claire sees a photo of pregnant Mommy, holding her hands on her tummy.)
Claire: There's a baby in Mommy's tummy, look Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, that’s you.
Claire: Is it under her shirt?

Claire: Then why is her hands there?  So it won't fall out?

(Claire has a new baby giraffe stuffed animal.)
Claire: This is my baby giraffe.
Alex: What's her name?
Claire: Um… Claire!  No… Fluffy!

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