Friday, July 27, 2012

Why does there have to be a name for every day?

Alex: We still have to watch out for the orange juice, Claire.
Claire: Yeah, but I have my shoes on.
Alex: Yeah, but our shoes, are running out of... okay in orange juice.

Alex: Why does there have to be a name for every day?

(Alex and Claire are playing, and Alex pretends, for the first time, that he has a gun. So Mommy explains to Alex the dangers of real guns.)

Alex: The only way to die is to get shoot by a gun, Mommy?
Mommy: No, there are other ways you can die.
Alex: Like what?
Mommy: You can get really really old… or you can have a bad accident…
Alex: Like “I peed a lot in my pants” accident?

Alex: If you get fired, you die.

Alex: If the windows were open and you were jumping in your seat without your seatbelt on, you’re going boing boing boing… and then the last time, you go boing! You’d fall out of the window.

Alex: Well, I know that at people’s houses they don’t have any real guns.
Mommy: Yes they do.
(Mommy explains in great detail.)


Claire: Alex, I saw you, out the window, I saw you on Splash Day.

Claire: And I saw the sprinkler, and I thought you were out, and then I saw you, so that means you were out on Splash Day.

Claire: But, if it was a thousand [degrees], will you die?

Claire: The sun is sooooooo big!
Alex: It’s bigger than a house!
Mommy: It sure is. It’s bigger than our planet.
Claire: Uh-huh. It’s like bigger than… bigger than our whole world!

Claire: Mommy on days we go to school, when we come home, we can do the game, the talking game.

Claire: Because on days we stay home, we, we’re…
Mommy: We’re together.
Claire: Yeah we’re together. So we know what we did.

Alex: Um I hope the TV works, because… I want to watch a show.

Claire: Remember, a long, long time ago, Alex liked Bob?

Alex: It’s been when I was like four, since we watched that show. We haven’t watched it ever since I was five.

Claire: How ‘bout we play a game? This is not a guessing game. You just talk – you go, you go all around, and you say what you did today.

(Claire is using Mommy’s sink to wash her hands.)
Claire: Daddy, when I was four, and I stand on my tippy toes, I can reach it!
Daddy: Wow!
Claire: When I was three, and I was on my flat feet, I couldn’t reach it, and when I stood on my tippy toes, I couldn't reach it!
Daddy: Wow!

(Daddy tucks Alex into bed.)
Alex: Good night. I can't wait to spend time with you tomorrow.

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