Saturday, August 27, 2011

That wasn’t a fun game.

Alex: Daddy, at the beach house, Uncle Jimmy did something nasty.
Daddy: Oh. What was it?
Alex: He squirted the whipped cream all in his mouth.
Daddy: Oh. Yucky.
Alex: I didn’t laugh. I didn’t like it.

Alex: Sometimes Uncle Jimmy’s a little nasty.
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Some people that are just tryin’ to be silly, sometimes they be nasty.
Claire: I don’t want be that when I be Uncle Jimmy, but I don’t wanna be that.
Alex: Uncle Jimmy?! You’re not gonna be Uncle Jimmy, you’re gonna be a girl. Uncle Jimmy’s a boy, you know.
Claire: But Alex, when I grow up… I’m gonna turn into Uncle Jimmy!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I’m gonna turn into Aunt Sheridan when I grow up.
Alex (sitting up tall in his chair): Look, Claire, I’m growing up fast…. Aunt Sheridan!
Claire (sitting up tall in her chair): I’m… Uncle Jimmy!
Claire: I’m still Uncle Jimmy!
Claire (slumping back down in her chair): And I’m Claire again.
Alex: And I’m Alex again.
Claire: Now I’m Uncle Jimmy again!
Alex: No, you say – “I’m Aunt Sheridan again!”
Claire: I’m Claire again.
Alex: I’m Uncle Jimmy again!
Claire: I’m Aunt Sheridan again!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: That wasn’t right.
Alex: Say “I’m Aunt Sheridan!”
Claire: I’m Uncle Jimmy!
Alex: Now I’m Alex again.
Claire: And I’m Claire again.
Alex: Now you’re Aunt Sheridan again!
Claire: I’m Aunt Sheridan, I’m Aunt Sheridan!
Alex: I’m Uncle Jimmy, I’m Uncle Jimmy!
Claire: I’m Aunt Sheridan! I’m Claire again.
Alex: So am I.
Alex: That wasn’t a fun game.
Claire: No it wasn’t.

Claire: Don’t buh-peet.
Alex: Don’t buh-peet.
Claire: Don’t buh-peet!
Alex: Don’t buh-peet.
Claire: Don’t buh-peet!
Alex: Don’t buh-peet.
Claire: I’m fixing something on my finger.
Alex: Don’t repeat.
Claire: Don’t buh-peet!
Alex: Don’t repeat.
Alex: I’m fixing something on my finger.
Claire: Don’t -- I’m fixing something on my finger, that’s not how you do it, that’s –
Alex: I’m fixing something on my finger.
Claire: Don’t buh-peet!
Alex: I am, for real.

(Alex and Claire are pretending to be preschool teachers, with their babies as the kids.)
Alex: Okay! Time to clean up!
Claire: But we didn’t play.
Alex: We’re pretending we played for a long time. But now it’s time to go outside. Let’s get on sunscreen!


(Hurricane coverage has been playing all morning.)
Alex: Why do you leave the TV on when you’re not even watching?

Alex: Daddy, I like to be healthy and not eat too much yummy food.

Alex (to Claire): Did you know something silly that Snoopy did? He turned Charlie Brown into a big head, and that scarf, and those shoes, and then he walked into the bathroom and said “Aaaah!”

(Alex laughs.)
Alex: That was just silly, wasn’t it?

Alex: “My dog made me invisible!” That’s what – um, um – Charlie Brown said.

(nap time)
Alex: Why do I need enough sleep?
(Daddy explains that Alex’s body needs sleep in order to grow and stay healthy.)
Alex: Why did they make it that way?

Alex: I said “Trash can, open up!”, and he opened up, and I put it in his mouth, and he said “Yum yum”, and he ate it!


Claire: Mommy, you can’t have more – you can’t have three of applesauces, ‘cause this is Sometimes Food too.

Alex: Mommy, look in the cabinet.
Mommy: Why?
Alex: Because I want to show you something.
(Mommy opens the cabinet.)
Alex: You see that big box sticking out? It’s making the cabinet not close all the way.
Mommy: Yeah.

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